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Q: Which is the southern most part of the Indian union?
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The southern states were Confederate states. The northern states were part of the Union. :)

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They became a part of the union after they lost the civil war.

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The equator passes though the Indian ocean. Part of the Indian ocean is in Northern hemisphere, while part of it is in the Southern hemisphere.

Which is the southern most part of India?

Southern most part of India is Indira Point

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The continent that borders the Atlantic, Pacific, an Indian Oceans is Antarctic. The southern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the southern part of the Pacific Ocean are what borders Antarctica.

After the unification of italy what happend to the southern part of the country?

it ceded from the union

What did the union represent north or south?

The Union was the Northern part of the United States, while the Confederacy was the Southern portion.

Why did the southern states seceds?

because we no longer wanted to be part of the union, where the southern states were not considered soverign and the union states did not believe in states' rights like the south did

Why did Southern States seced?

because we no longer wanted to be part of the union, where the southern states were not considered soverign and the union states did not believe in states' rights like the south did

What did southern states have to do before the could reenter the union?

Before being readmitted to the Union, each southern state that had been part of the Confederacy had to ratify the fourteenth amendment.

What did southern states have to do before they could reenter the Union?

Before being readmitted to the Union, each southern state that had been part of the Confederacy had to ratify the fourteenth amendment.