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Q: Which is true according to plate tectonics theory?
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Why is plate tectonics theory thought to be a unifying theory?

Plate tectonics is considered to be a unifying theory because a consensus finds it to be true. Most scientists believe the plate tectonics cause volcanoes and earthquakes.

What is the name of the theory that led to the development of the theory of plate tectonics?

Plate tectonics is the combination of the seafloor spreading and continental drift. When Alfred Wegner described this process it was rejected due to lack of evidence. Since, we have discovered new evidence and proven his theory true.

Why is plate tectonics a theory and not a law?

Despite what Creationist would have you believe (when debating other topics) theory does not mean hypothesis or speculation. In science, a theory is an explanation of the natural world that is well-substantiated by evidence. This includes a number of explanations that are so well-substantiated by evidence that there is virtually no doubt among scientists that it is the correct explanation. These include the theory of plate tectonics, the thoery of evolution, atomic theory, and germ theory.

Are convection currents the cause of plate tectonics?


Core heat helped create plate tectonics true or false?


Is it true that plate tectonics combines the concepts of sea-floor spreading and continental drift?

yes its true

Who designed the theory of plate tectonics?

Alfred Weneger, who was a German scientist somewhere in the 1930s. Other scientists didn't believe his theories at first, but about twenty years later, his theories appeared to be true.

Is the theory of the continental drift true?

Continental Drift is an obsolete name for the theory of Plate Tectonics and yes, it is true. It has been proved in many ways, by comparing the composition of oceanic crust and its ages with that of the continental crust, by plotting the reversals of magnetism in the oceanic crust and many other ways.

Why is plate tectonics called theory or paradigm?

Although it is proven and true, there is a .00001% that is could be false. So therefore it can't be a scientific law. That makes it a theory. There are very few scientific laws and only obvious facts are scientific laws. Like gravity.

All volcanic activity on earth is asscoiated with colliding plate tectonics?

That is true but it really isn't a question

What is one hypothesis regarding the formation of a divergant boundary on a continent?

i dont know if its is true, but plate tectonics

What do plate tectonics have to do with sinkholes?

Singholes generaly do not relate to plate tectonics. In most cases sinkholes result from the removal of underground material, which eventually cause the ground above to collapse into the space left behind. This is most often a result of weathering.