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The main fuel isotope is uranium-235. This isotope is the fissile part of natural uranium, with natural uranium being mostly U-238. Uranium is usually enriched before use to increase the concentration of U-235. Plutonium-239 is also usable, and in some countries a mixture of uranium and plutonium (MOX) is used.

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14y ago

In PWR and BWR reactors, the new fuel is 4 to 5 percent U-235, the rest U-238. Some small research type reactors use a higher U-235 content, perhaps 20 percent. There is also mixed oxide fuel (MOX) which contains plutonium as well as uranium, this is produced in the UK and France and used in some countries, Japan for instance, but not so far in the US. I believe a MOX plant is to be built in the US, this will presumably use Pu from military sources as no chemical separation of spent fuel is carried out in the US as a commercial operation.

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Uranium is not a fossil fuel; uranium is used as nuclear fuel for nuclear power reactors.

Where uranium is presence most crucial?

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