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Either of the two shift keys on the keyboard.

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Q: Which key is used to type capital letters when the Caps Lock key is off?
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Which keyboard key is used to type in capital letters?

The Shift key is used to type in capital letters. By holding down the Shift key and pressing a letter key, you can input the capital version of that letter.

What does capslock does on the keyboard?

Once you click the caps lock key in the keyboard of your computer, it can make one or more letters capital.

How do you type roman rumerals?

I type them out as capital letters by clicking on the "Caps Lock" button. For example, like CC=200 (in Roman numerals).

What do you press to capitalize all characters?

To capitalize all characters, you can press the "Caps Lock" key on your keyboard. This will allow you to type in all capital letters until you disable the Caps Lock function by pressing the key again.

What is the difference between the caps lock and the shift key?

Caps Lock will "lock" you into typing capital letters when you press it. You will continue to type in upper case until you press the caps lock key again to release it, at which point your work will be produced in lower case again. Caps lock only affects the letters A-Z and is mainly used if you want to type anything more than a couple of consecutive letters in capitals. Shift will only affect what you type while you actually hold that key down; it does not "lock" in the same way that caps lock does. Shift will also produce capital A-Z letters but in addition it allows you to select special characters on the keyboard, for instance the symbols set above the numbers and the use of quotes and other specials that you see in the top half of the keys on your keyboard.

What is the best way to type a capital A in a sentence?

We click on the [CAPS LOCK] key and type A

How do you type in capital letters on ipod touch?

press the up arrow button or double tap it for caps lock. I'm using an iPod touch right now.

How do you come off caps lock?

You can press the Caps lock button or if that didn't work every time you type press shift unless you want a capital letter :)

How do you type an i without the dot?

Option, Shift B or CAPS LOCK look at a capital i and a lowercase i, I i

How do you type upper case letters?

To type upper case letters, hold down the shift key on your keyboard and press a letter. This letter should come out in upper case. If you wish to type a whole sentence, consider using caps lock for convenience. This will lock your keyboard in upper case letters. It can be turned on by pressing caps lock button, and turned off by pressing the same button again.

How do you beat drone control on type to learn?

1. Make sure nobody is watching you - this is a form of cheating (supposedly) 2. Be prepared to take forever. Think around 20 minutes if you're like me 3. Are you on letters or the number pad? Letters- press Caps Lock. When you press Caps Lock, it pauses the game but you still can see what letter you need to type next. Start by pressing Caps Lock to pause the game and prepare. Set your finger on the key you need to type and press Caps Lock (to unpause game), the (letter) key, then Caps Lock again to pause it. Be sure to be careful and quick! Number Pad- Use the same method as numbers, only pressing Number Lock instead of Caps Lock. Good luck and still learn how to type!

How do you change from capital letter to small letter on PAGES on a MAC?

The Mac keyboard has two ways to make capital letters. Press the shift key or the Caps Lock key. Select or delete the letter you want to change. Press shift, and type the letter you want to capitalize. if you have a capital, select or delete it and type what you want, but don't press shift or cap lock. In Microsoft Word, there are format styles that create 'Title' or 'Sentence' caps. Pages does not have those styles.