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It depends on the type of engine. Prop planes use AvGas - aviation gasoline; essentially this is high power petrol, equivalent to 6*. Jet engines use a variety of kerosene mixtures.

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Q: Which kind of fuel require for airplane?
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What kind of airplane flies the farthest?

the airplane with the most fuel

What kind of petrol use in airplane?

Aviation fuel

How would you use kerosene in a sentence?

Airplane require KEROSENE as fuel in order to fly.

What kind of fuel does an airplane use?

Use to use Avgas fuel. Now use ultra fuel or diesel Fuel or jet fuel.

Is it illegal to have airplane fuel at your home?

It's possible that storing large quantities of it might violate some kind of zoning ordinance. I honestly can't think of any reason you'd want to have airplane fuel at your home, though.

What is airplane jet fuel?

it is a type of fuel

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Push lawn mowers require regular gasoline like most cars.

Where is fuel stored in an airplane?

In the aeroplane fuel storage compartment

How do you make a ninja airplane?

With ninja airplane parts. Make sure to give it some ninja airplane fuel too.

What part of an airplane is fuel age?


What is aircraft fueling?

When they put fuel in an airplane

Which oil used in airplane?

oilcan fuel