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Q: Which largest electronics retain chain in Europe has the same name like a planet?
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Whats the warmest planet?

In our solar system its Venus. Although it's only the second closest planet to the sun after mercury, it has a thick atmosphere which helps to retain it's heat.

When a planet has a lot of mass why does it turn into a gas giant?

More mass means a stronger gravitation field. One aspect of planet formation is the evaporation of light volatiles elements from the growing planet due to solar heating. If a forming planet is far enough away from the sun then it is cooler and is able to retain light-weight volatiles from being 'blown away' by solar heating and pressure. If a planet is able to retain Helium then it has the potential of gaining a lot of mass, as Helium is very abundant. If it gains mass due to Helium collection then eventually it will have enough of a gravitational field to retain Hydrogen which is super abundant and the planet just keeps on growing until it has used up everything there is to capture.

How does the temperature of the planets vary with the distance from the sun?

The further a planet is from the sun, the less light and heat radiation it gets from the sun leaving it a cooler planet. However, a planet with a gaseous atmosphere is less likely to radiate away the planets heat so it may retain more of the solar heat.

How does the temperature of the planets vary with distance from the sun?

The further a planet is from the sun, the less light and heat radiation it gets from the sun leaving it a cooler planet. However, a planet with a gaseous atmosphere is less likely to radiate away the planets heat so it may retain more of the solar heat.

Is Mercury a trrrestrial or gas giant?

Mercury is a rocky planet and is too close to the sun to retain much of an atmosphere, much less become a gas giant.

What effects the temperature of the planet?

There are a number of factors which affect the surface temperature of planets. First, there is sunlight which is a source of warmth. Then, there are various types of atmosphere, which retain warmth to varying degrees. Then, there is the radiation of heat into space, by means of infrared radiation, which happens on the side of the planet that faces away from the sun, and cools the planet.

Why doesn't Pluto have precipitation?

For a planet to have precipitation, it must have an atmosphere. Pluto is too small and gravitationally weak to retain an atmosphere, and even if it did, it would be frozen solid on the ground.

How does the mass of a planet affect its habitability?

We humans evolved here on Earth, in Earthlike conditions. W're pretty adaptable, though, so we could probably survive on a bigger planet with somewhat heavier gravity (perhaps up to 1.5gs!) or a smaller planet with less. But too little gravity and it wouldn't be enough to retain an atmosphere....

Why did Britain stay out of Vietnam and go into Iraq?

The UK wanted to retain it's military assets for the protection of Europe; they let Australia and New Zealand represent them in Vietnam.

How is global warming working?

The greenhouse effect is the trapping of heat by certain gases that have been identified as helping retain heat on our planet. The runaway greenhouse effect is causing global warming.

Is Venus or Mars in the Goldilocks zone?

Neither. The goldilocks zone refers to a planet which is just the right distance from the Sun to retain water on it's surface. See related link for a pictorial.

Does a greenhouse retain or release heat?

Compared to the external environment, a greenhouse will retain heat.