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You can find both poles at 90 degrees, N and S, respectively.

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Q: Which latitudes correspond to the North and South poles?
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Why latitudes of the Earth 90 north and south?

Both latitudes of 90 degrees mark the north and south poles.

Do magnets have poles?

Yes. A north and south pole to correspond with the earth's magnetic field.

Is the polar zones located between 66.5 degrees north and south latitudes and the poles?

caca is the answer

What is an example of latitudes?

Latitude is how far north or south you are from the equator which is the line of 0 latitude.The measurement in made in degrees and the poles are 90o North or South.

What is the definition of high latitudes?

high latitude is more towards the poles of the world such as north and south pole.

Which two latitudes are actually points rather than circles?

90° North latitude and 90° South latitude define the north and south poles respectively.

What are the latitudes of the equator and the poles?

Equator . . . zero latitudeNorth pole . . . 90° North latitudeSouth pole . . . 90° South latitude

What applies to latitudes farther from the equator?

Latitudes farther from the equator have higher numbers. The equator is 'zero' latitude, and the poles are 90 degrees north and south.

What country is located at 150 degrees north and seventy five degrees east?

The location is undefined. Latitude can't exceed 90 degrees north or south. Those are the latitudes of the north and south poles respectively.

What is the two unlike poles on a magnet?

North and south poles.

What designates where the Arctic and Antarctic circle latitudes are placed?

Technically, they are the latitudes farthest from the north and south poles that have a continuous period of 24 hours without a sunset, and a similar period without a sunrise.

Are the North Pole and the south pole geographical poles?

yes, the north and south poles are geographical poles.