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Mix bleach a cap of bleach, a sink of water, and tablespoon baking soda in a sink and scrub with a toothbrush or similar brush.

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Q: Which laundry detergents will remove ketchup stains the best tide gain or woolite?
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In commercials which stains do laundry detergents remove?

grass, wine/juice, grease, ketchup

Are detergents laundry supplies?

"Yes, detergents are laundry supplies. Detergents are needed when washing laundry to remove stains from clothing. Also, chemicals from detergents clean clothes while they are washing."

What mineral is used in laundry detergents?

The most common mineral which is used in laundry detergent are phosphates. This is used in detergents to remove hard water minerals in clothing.

Why doesn't laundry detergent remove sharpie?

Laundry detergent doesn't remove Sharpie because Sharpie is water-resistant and most detergents are made and are used in water, so it would only make the ink fade. To get Sharpie out of clothes or something I would suggest rubbing alcohol.

What's the best way to remove egg from car upholstery?

Laundry detergents usually contain enzymes to help remove protein based stains like food and blood. Try keeping the egg stain soaked in laundry detergent and water for several hours. Cover it with a wet towel to keep it wet. The enzymes should dissolve the egg.

How to Choose the Right Baby Laundry Detergent?

A baby’s skin is sensitive and soft and exposing her skin to harsh chemicals can irritate it and cause various skin conditions such as a rash or worsen eczema. The type of laundry detergent you use on her clothing can actually have an effect on her skin, in a negative or positive way. There are certain types of laundry detergents you should look out for that are designed to reduce skin irritations on baby’s skin. You need a laundry detergent that is both safe for the baby and safe for her clothing. There are certain laundry detergents that claim they are made especially for washing baby clothing. The only difference between these detergents and regular detergents is the scent. It has a light, baby powder smell that trick the nose into thinking it is safe for babies. The reality is that these can irritate baby’s skin just as much as regular detergents because they contain both dyes and fragrances. The dyes are meant to brighten clothing, but really leave a residue on the clothing. This eventually rubs on the baby’s skin, which can cause it to become red and chafer. The fragrances do the same thing and can actually irritate her sense of smell. Instead, what you should be looking out for are laundry detergents that contain absolutely no fragrances or dyes in them. They usually have a label indicating it is “Free and Clear”. This means it is free of irritating additives. Free and Clear laundry detergents are not specifically designed for babies, but rather for those with sensitive skin. This is perfect for a baby’s delicate skin. You can still get a quality clean and not have to purchase expensive baby-specific laundry detergent in order to do so. The best part is, your baby will feel comfortable in their clothing as well. Another alternative is to purchase baby laundry detergent from an eco-friendly, natural brand such as Seventh Generation or Method. They leave out artificial ingredients that can harm baby and are friendly to the planet in their production of the product. The other nice feature about these brands is that using their products will not remove the flame retardant from baby’s clothing.

How do you remove ketchup stain?

To remove ketchup stains start by scraping off as much of the dried ketchup, or blotting up as much of the wet ketchup, as you can. Then pretreat the stain using whatever pretreatment you keep in the house. Then wash the garment as you normally would.

How does ketchup clean copper coins?

The fruit acid in the ketchup is sufficient to remove the grime from a coin. Although it will bring the coin up nice and shiny, it will also remove any value the coin might have.

How do you remove strawberry syrup from a gray car seat?

I've used Woolite and a Wet or Dry Vacuum cleaner to get almost everything out of carpets and upholstery.

How do you remove ketchup stains from a white cotton dress?

use detergent with a sponge

How do you remove perfume from wool?

Try hanging the item outside to air out. Wool should not be washed in a machine. It needs to be hand washed in Woolite. Allow to air dry.

Will white vinegar remove odors and stains from laundry?

no but bicarbanate of soda will