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Q: Which layer of the large intestine functions to move its contents toward the anus through peristalsis?
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What is peristalsis and how does it aid in digestion?

Contraction of smooth muscles to carry contents through the digestive tract. Examples are in the esophagus and small intestine.

Movement through the intestine is?


What moves food through the small intestine?


What is a feature of peristalsis?

This is the movement of the intestines caused by the smooth muscle and it causes chyme (partially digested food) to move along the length of the intestine.

What processes provides the force necessary to move food through the intestine?

it is peristalsis

Wave like movement in the large intestine?

its called peristalsis. its helps to push food through the digestive system, like down your throat for example

What two types of movements occur in the small intestine?

The two types of movement in the small intestine are peristalsis and segmental movements. Segmental movements, which are more common in the small intestine than peristalsis, move the digesting food back and forth in a part of the small intestine. This lets the food mix with intestinal juices. Peristalsis is one-way movement that pushes the digesting food through the small intestine toward the large intestine.

Is peristalsis chemical digestion or mechanical?

It's mechanical. Peristalsis includes muscles moving material through the digestive system.Yes

How does the large intestine differ from that of the small intestine?

The small intestine receives the stomach contents in a liquid form called effluent. Its primary function is to absorb nutrients from this liquid on its way to the large intestine. The main functions of the large intestine are to absorb water from the effluent as it passes through the large intestine, forming it into stool, and to become a "holding tank" until the stool is expelled from the body.

What causes the movement of food through the large intestine?

Movement of food through the large intestine is caused by smooth muscle contraction called "peristalsis" the best way to describe this is to imagine how a snake moves its abdominal muscles to move.

What are the effects of peristalsis in the small intestine?

Peristalsis is the series of muscular contractions which moves food through the gastro-intestinal tract. This is necessary for digestion to occur. Food cannot even be swallowed, unless something moves it down the esophagus.

What is the function of peristalsis?

It contracts and relaxes your muscles to aid in the digestion of food in the intestines and stomach.