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Q: Which layer would be best to plant seeds?
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What plant produces seeds inside of flowers?

Sunflowers are best known for having tons of seeds in/on them.

What is the best way to start apple seeds?

spit it out and plant it

What is the best time to plant watermelon seeds in southern California?

April - June.

How would you collect seeds from a plant that forcibly expels its seeds when ripe?

Tie a small bag around the seedhead to collect the seeds. (Cloth is best as plastic can get condensation inside and paper disintegrates if it rains. You could use a sock or stocking too.)

Why didn't farmers used to eat the best of the seeds that they produced?

The farmers did not eat the best of the seeds that they produced because they they offered them as sacrifices and used them to plant for the following season.

When is it a good time to plant seeds?

it is best to plant plant's at the beginning of spring

What type of seeds do you use to plant grass?

It is best to sow grass seed in the fall, when the weather is cool.

How many seeds from a packet for vegetables and herbs should I plant in the individual plant starter pots?

Always plant 2-3 seeds per cell. Sometimes one of the seeds will not germinate, this way you still have at least one coming up. After they have grown a couple of weeks, pick the best one and snipe any others in the cell. Now you have one good growing plant.

What is the purpose of the core in the apple that we eat?

The core contains the seeds of the apple, and it is in the best interest of the plant that it discourage you from eating them.

How do you get to level 10 in Viva Pinata?

The best way to get to level 10 quickly would be to attrack all the pinata you can,romance them all,plant every available plant at the point your at,and try feeding pinatas seeds and flowers that may change their colour.

What is the best time to plant watermelon seeds in Minnesota?

You can plant from seeds anytime it's warm enough that the ground stays above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. That's usually early April here in Texas.

Is it too late in the season to plant green pepper seeds?

yes, i would say it is. the best way to plant green peppers is to plant them in a pot then move them to a garden in may. seeing as it's already June... but still, it wouldn't hurt to try, just don't expect a lot of peppers, if any.