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Q: Which light bulb types is the least energy efficient and therefore results in the most greenhouse gas emissions?
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Greenhouse gases can stop the transmission of this type of ray.?

Greenhouse gases stop the transmission of infrared rays. These are the rays which carry heat away from the earth, and therefore an increase in greenhouse gases results in global warming.

What are 3 results of enhanced greenhouse effect?


How do wind turbines save energy?

They don't really save energy, per se. They capture wind energy, which is considered a renewable resource. This reduces the need to burn fossil fuel to satisfy the same energy needs, and arguably results in lower greenhouse gas emissions.

How can carbon tax help slow global warming?

A carbon tax makes it expensive to emit greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Therefore if a company want to avoid paying this tax it has to change its methods or invest in new equipment that will reduce the amount they emit and therefore have to pay in carbon tax. the large amounts of companies undertaking this activity results in large amounts of greenhouse gasses not being emitted, therefore slowing global warming.

The definition greenhouse warming?

Warming that results when solar radiation is trapped by the atmosphere

What light bulb types uses the least energy and therefore results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions?

Halogen+++No longer. LED-based fluorescent lamps use a lot less electricity than halogens for similar light levels - much of the energy emitted by a halogen lamp is heat, although it is more efficient than the equivalent argon-filled incandescent lamp. (A halogen bulb is still an incandescent type - it simply uses a different gas filling from the conventional bulb.)

What is what is the earths atmosphere heated by?

The trapping of heat by the Earth's atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect. During the greenhouse effect, radiation becomes entrapped which results in the heating of the Earth.

Is the greenhouse effect the same as ozone depletion?

No, they are different. Ozone depletion results in more ultraviolet (short wave) radiation reaching earth's surface. The greenhouse effect results in more infrared (long wave) radiation being absorbed by the atmosphere.

what is the trapping of heat by earth's atmosphere?

The trapping of heat by the Earth's atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect. During the greenhouse effect, radiation becomes entrapped which results in the heating of the Earth.

Precipitation with a low pH that results from sulfur emissions reacting with water is commonly called?

acid rain

What is the effect of having more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

It results in more global warming (due to the greenhouse effect).

What is the chief greenhouse gas that results from human activity?

Carbon Dioxide! From burning coal, oil and natural gas.