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Q: Which literary is useThe east edge of the earth was easily seen?
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What is the literary device in this sentence the east edge of the earth was easily seen?

The literary device in this sentence is personification. This is because it attributes human traits, such as visibility, to the "east edge of the earth."

Which literary device is used in the sentence The east edge of the earth was easily seen?

The literary device used in the sentence is personification, as it attributes human-like qualities (being seen) to an inanimate object, the east edge of the earth.

What literary device is Sally ran faster than a herd of stampeding buffalo?

That is a hyperbole.

Which literary device is in the east edge of the earth was easily seen?

This line contains imagery, a literary device that appeals to the senses by creating vivid mental pictures for the reader.

Literary device in the east edge of the earth was easily seen?

The literary device used in this sentence is imagery, as it paints a vivid picture in the reader's mind of the specific location being described.

Which literary device is used in this sentence the east of the earth was easily seen?

Do you mean alliteration? Like "Whitley watches whales whisper to worms"

Which literary device is used in this sentence The east edge of the earth was easily seen?

Do you mean alliteration? Like "Whitley watches whales whisper to worms"

- The earth on its axis from west to east?

the earth ? on its axis from west to east ?

The earth does what on its axis from west to east?

The earth rotates on its axis from west to east.

Is half of the earth that is facing the sun facing in the east?

No, east and west are directions on the earth.

Why do the sun and moon rise in the east?

This is due to Earth's rotation. Earth rotates from west to east.

Why does the earth move from west to east?

the earth moves from east to west because it feels like it