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Bearded dragon.

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Q: Which lizard is best for a beginner reptile owner chameleon or bearded dragon?
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Is the bearded dragon native to California?

No it is not ! The Bearded dragon is a native reptile of Australia.

Is a bearded dragon a reptile?

Yes it is.

Is the bearded dragon an Australian reptile?

They are native to Australia.

Would a bearded dragon fight with a uromastyx if they were kept together?

A bearded dragon will fight with any other reptile if u put it in its cage, and yes even another bearded dragon. They must be housed alone.

Is Exo Terra Reptile UVB 150 bulb ok for my bearded dragon Heard some coils can be bad but is this one ok?

Yes, the EXO Terra Reptile UVB 150 bulb is okay for your bearded dragon.

Who would win in a fight vield camilon or bearded dragon?

Bearded Dragon, They are a lot tougher and bigger, There is practically no contest, A Bearded Dragon is considered very tough for its size (18 inch) and will kill or scare most things the same size as it away, They are stocky and have pretty powerful jaws, They are also a lot more territorial than a Chameleon. Male Bearded Dragon vs Male Veiled Chameleon both fully grown I would say the Bearded Dragon will be the one celebrating for sure, Chemeleon are normally higher but Height does not make up for power.

Can a bearded dragon have a stroke?

Yes, but it isn't common. There are many more ailments that might mimic the symptoms. If your bearded dragon is not behaving normally, take it to an experienced reptile veterinarian.

Where in TylerTexas can you buy a Bearded Dragon?

you can buy a bearded dragon at... reptile outlet, or prehistoric pets petsmart(though i wouldn't recomend) or just search bearded dragons for sale on Google or the internet hope this helped:)

Why does your bearded dragon keep pooping on his perch and how can you stop it?

You can't 'stop a bearded dragon pooping' wherever it wants to !- They don't have a 'set area' to use as a toilet. As a reptile owner - it's YOUR responsibility to clean up after your reptile whenever they produce waste. If you don't like the idea of cleaning up after an animal - then maybe reptile-keeping isn't for you.

Is a dragon's body slimy?

No, they are just smooth and sometimes furry.

What reptile lives in Australia with beard?

The bearded dragon is a lizard with a series of "frills" around its neck; hence the name.

What is the best reptile for an 11 year old?

ErrrWell if its your first reptile i would go for a bearded dragon for a lizard.For a snake a royal python.(In my opinon lizard are better):)