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Q: Which lymphatic system structure in the mediastinum helps T lympocytes mature?
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What structure does the radicle in a seed produce in the mature plant?

Radicle gives rise to the root system in a mature plant.

What are osteocytes responsible for?

Osteocytes are mature osteoblasts which maintain the bone structure.

What bubble-like structure that keeps the eggs until they mature?


What tubular structure is where sperm mature and become motile?


What functions do organs in the lymphatic system have?

The adenoids, appendix, spleen and thymus are considered lymph organs because they contain hundreds of lymph nodes. These nodes contain thousands of monocytes and lymphocytes which are white blood cells that protect the body from and defend the body against pathogens.

What is the organ in which t cells mature?

T cells mature in the thymus The T-cells mature in both the thymus gland and the organs known as tonsils.

What structure expels the mature ovum?

The Graffian Follicle in the ovary expels the secondary oocyte (mature ovum) into the peritoneum, where it is picked up by the fimbrae of the Fallopian tubes.

What are the male tubes where the sperm mature and become motile?

The tubular structure in which sperm mature and become motile is the epididymis. This process usually takes 20 days.

What stores mature sperms?

Sperm is stored and matured in a structure adjacent to the testicles. It is called the epididymis.

Where are B cell located?

B cells are produced in the bone marrow and then move to the spleen to continue to mature. After that, they move throughout the bloodstream and lymphatic system (the system liking all of your lymph nodes.)

Is stamen the mature male gametophyte?

No. The stamen is the male structure of the flower, consisting of a filament and anther. However, the mature, male gametophyte consists of a germinated pollen grain with its tube and two associated sperm.

What are the differences between mature proglottid and immature proglottid?

A proglottid is mature when it has detached from the tape worm in order to continue the tapeworm's reproductive cycle. At maturity it is a sac of eggs with degenerated reproductive organs, Maturity in this case doesn't relate to reproductive capability, (as it would in mammals), it relates to the completed end product: fertile eggs. i think the the difference between mature and immature proglottid is that mature progllotid has mature reproductive structure while immature has till not mature reproductive organ