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31 days William Henry Harrison in 1841

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Q: Which man held the shortest presidency?
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Who was the first Whig party candidate to win the presidency and also ha the shortest term?

The first Whig party candidate to win the presidency was William Henry Harrison. However, he had the shortest term in office as he died just 32 days into his presidency.

Who is the shortest man ever?

The shortest man ever recorded was Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal, who measured 21.5 inches (54.6 cm) tall. He held the record from 2012 until his passing in 2015.

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William Henry Harrison served as president for the shortest time?

Which president had the shortest presidency in terms of time?

William Henry Harrison William Henry Harrison

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John Tyler was vice president to William Henry Harrison, a man who died about a month after taking the oath of office in 1841.

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The shortest life after presidency belongs to George Washington, the 1st President of the United States. He died just over two years after leaving office, passing away on December 14, 1799.

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sadly no, that would be a miracle ! Imagine, the tallest man's son. Is the world's shortest man.

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Who was the first wing party candidate to win the presidency and also had the shortest term in office?

William Henry Harrison