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Q: Which marxists believed in using democratic means to achieve the goals of socialism?
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Why was revisionist socialism more powerful in western Europe than in eastern Europe?

"Revisionists believed that workers could achieve their aims by working within democratic systems, and western European countries tended to have democratic systems, while eastern European countries had autocratic systems."

How is demorcratic socialism politically different from communism?

Democratic socialism is different from Communism in the political strategy and tactics used to achieve socialism. Democratic socialists believe the movement for socialism should be democratic, co-operative and spontaneous, without any elitist party or "Vanguard" directing its actions. Alternatively, democratic socialists use the existing democratic government to promote socialism. Communists, more appropriately known as Leninists or Marxist-Leninists, believe that a hierarchical organization called a "Vanguard party" is required to achieve socialism. The Vanguard party would control the movement, lead the revolution, and be composed by elite "professional revolutionaries". The justification for this authoritarian strategy is that a paramilitary organization is required to ensure the success of a socialist revolution.

Why did democratic socialists claim that Marxists in Russia were trying to fool the people?

Many democratic socialists claimed that the Russian Marxists of 1903 were making use of democratic ideology as a screen to fool the masses and achieve the goal of the dictatorship of the proletariat.Certainly the Bolshevik wing of the Russian Democratic Labor Party can be seen as guilty of this. With that said, Lenin had defused that idea for his own group by saying that the Marxist Party (s ) would grow naturally out of the democratic social system. Then the Party would survey the situation and see how far they could travel before their socialist ideas met capitalism head on. It's vital to see, however, the time period of all this is 1903. 1917 is a lifetime away, when one considers the results of WW 1.

What type of government did Ralph want in lord of the flies?

Ralph wanted a democratic form of government where decisions were made collectively by the group. He believed in rules, order, and working together to achieve common goals for the betterment of the group.

What are some similarities between anarchism and socialism?

Both of these ideologies emerged in their modern form during the Industrial Revolution and both were critical of industrial capitalism and its accompanying political structures. However, socialism is better thought of as an economic system and end-goal that various political ideologies (such as Democratic Socialism and Anarchism) aim to achieve. In general, anarchism is juxtaposed with socialist ideologies that are in favor of using the state apparatus to transition to a socialist economic system. Anarchism is critical of the state in its entirety, arguing that the state is illegitimate and, as a product of capitalism, the state needs to be dismantled during a socialist revolution. By contrast, non-anarchist socialists argue that the state must be utilized by the working class in some capacity to safeguard a worker's revolution against counter-revolutionary groups, and to organize the effort to construct a socialist economy. Democratic socialists tend to believe in the permanence of the state in any economic order, while Marxists take a middle ground where the state only has a limited role during the transition to socialism before making itself redundant and "withering away".

What do instrumental Marxists consider as essential for them to do with law and justice?

Instrumental Marxists believe that law and justice serve as tools used by the ruling class to maintain their power and control over the working class. They see the legal system as a means of perpetuating inequality and exploitation. Therefore, instrumental Marxists aim to challenge and transform the legal system in order to achieve a more just and equitable society.

Why did the purtians want to make a utopian society?

In utopian communities, the goal is generally to achieve a perfect form of socialism and that everyone works together and share the bounty equally. However, that normally only works on small communities, it is impossible to achieve an utopian community in a large city. In summary, the goal of the utopian community was to achieve perfection via socialism.

What was the union of Burma formed for?

The Union of Burma (NCUB) works on democratic principles to achieve a democratic federal system in Burma.

Why hasn't the democratic congress stopped funding for the war in Iraq?

They have not had the votes necessary to achieve this from their fellow members.

What kinds of goals did alchemist achieve?

they believed they could change metal into gold

Was Socialism was an antecedent to progressivism?

Yes, socialism and progressivism share some ideological roots such as a focus on social welfare, equality, and government intervention in the economy. While socialism advocates for the collective ownership of resources, progressivism focuses more on reforming existing capitalist structures to achieve social justice and equality. Progressivism can be influenced by socialist ideas, but they are not the same ideology.

Is socialism like communitarianism?

no they are not exactly the same.Communitarianism is a way to achieve socialism and to organize people lives like they demand.socialism means all the power to the people but cause its difficult everyone to get heavily attend with the politic situation people decide to make councils how represents them that's communitarinism....