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300 Kilometers

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Q: Which measurement best represents the distance of the orbiting space shuttle from Earth?
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What is a orbiting space shuttle?

An orbiter.

Why do objects in orbiting space shuttle float?

No Gravity.

Is the hubble space telescope a space station or a space shuttle?

Neither. The space station is an orbiting laboratory with living spaces. A shuttle takes astronauts to the space station and back to earth. The Hubble is an un-manned orbiting observatory.

In and orbiting space shuttle are two different weights the same or different?

-- You called them "different weights", so they're different. -- In an orbiting space shuttle, nothing has any weight, whether it's a bottle of water or the whole steel frame of the shuttle itself. So all weights there are the same ... namely, they are all zero.

What gravitational effects do you experience in an orbiting space station?

None. Inside the space shuttle is regulated.

Is there gravity pulling on orbiting shuttle?

Absolutely; the gravitational field of the planet Earth extends to the shuttle and much farther; the moon is held in its orbit by the Earth's gravity, and the shuttle doesn't travel nearly as far as the moon.

Is gravitational force acting on a person who falls off a cliff or on an astronaut inside an orbiting space shuttle?

Yes to both. That would include people inside the shuttle too. If the shuttle sowed down, it would fall back to earth

How long would it take a space shuttle to go from earth to mercury?

a very long time.average speed of the space shuttle orbiting the earth is around 17,000 miles per hour.the distance from earth to mercury is about 43,000,000 traveling at 17,000 mph it would take about 2,529 hours or about 105 days to get to mercury.I might be wrong.

Why does the space shuttle need rocket thrusters when its orbiting the exosphere?

Firstly, the lower boundary of the exosphere is 600km so the Space shuttle would have no need to be orbiting in the exosphere. Most of the time the space shuttle missions are to the ISS which orbits at a height of 370km. This is in the Thermosphere (approx 100km - 600km). The purpose of its thrusters are to aid in takeoff, docking with satellites, and reducing its speed to begin re-entry into earth's atmosphere.

What is a good pro shuttle time?

A good time in the professional shuttle in the NFL Combine is about 4.2 seconds. The distance is over and back over a distance of 20 yards.

How does the space shuttle move in space?

Most of the movement, the orbiting of the shuttle around Earth, comes from the launch which gets the shuttle up to over 17,000 miles per hour. While in orbit, astronauts use the the shuttle's reaction control system to make adjustments to the shuttles orbit. The main engines are used again at the end of the mission to slow the shuttle down allowing the Earth's gravity to the rest of the work to bring the shuttle and astronauts back to the ground.

Why should the government continue to finance the space shuttle program?

Yes, because the space shuttle was NASA's space transportation system. It carried astronauts and cargo to and from Earth orbit. The space shuttle carried as many as seven astronauts at a time to and from space. It launched satellites and served as an orbiting science laboratory.