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A sphygmomanometer is a device used to measure blood pressure. A more common name for this device is a blood pressure meter.

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Q: Which measurement is a reading from a sphygmomanometer?
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What is the difference between sphygmomanometer and the electronic one?

A sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure. It can be electronic or manual; the main difference being how much human interaction is required to measure blood pressure. With a manual sphygmomanometer, you observe the amount of pressure in the cuff in real-time (usually on a dial gauge) while listening for a bruit in an artery distal to the cuff. An electronic sphygmomanometer does the same thing, but it electronically listens for the bruit and generally displays the blood pressure reading after the measurement is completed. So with a manual sphygmo someone must watch a pressure gauge and listen for a bruit to be heard and when it stops to get a reading. An electronic sphygmo does all this automatically and gives a reading. An electronic sphygmo is more convenient and doesn't require as much training to use.

How do you take the reading of a sphygmomanometer?

To take the reading of a sphygmomanometer, you will need to first inflate the cuff to the desired pressure which is usually 200 mmHg. Then, listen for the first sound that you hear and the last sound. When you hear each sound, keep a record of the numbers displayed on the cuff.

What is a example of a precision measurement is a reading of?

An example of a precision measurement is a reading of

What is the measurement used to measure blood pressure called?

mm Hg (milimeters of mercury) usually measured with a Stethoscope and a sphygmomanometer .

What are the functions of the parts of sphygmomanometer?

The sphygmomanometer is a device used to measure blood pressure. The cuff restricts arterial blood flow, the bulb inflates the cuff, the valve on the bulb deflates the cuff, and the and the manometer measures air pressure. A stethoscope is also necessary to hear the Kortokoff sounds for an accurate blood pressure reading.

Why is the cuff of a manual sphygmomanometer placed as close to the heart as possible?

The cuff should be placed at the LEVEL of the heart to get the most accurate pressure reading.

What is the difference between a sphygmomanometer and a blood pressure monitor?

I would love to take the opportunity to answer this question, The sphygmomanometer and BP meter are the same there is no difference.

Which is the correct spelling of the name of the instrument used to measure blood pleassure?

The correct spelling is "sphygmomanometer."

What is the name of the device to monitor your blood pressure?

The real name for a blood pressure cuff is sphygmomanometer.

What measurement scale can be used for reading and writing?


What is a measurement of time that starts with r?

reading time!!

What is the Medical term meaning blood pressure cuff?

The medical term for a blood pressure cuff is a sphygmomanometer.