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Q: Which metal become brown in colour when it is oxidised?
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Why does iron filings in copper sulphate solution become colourless from green after sometime?

Copper sulfate solution starts of a blue colour. When Iron metal is added to the solution a REDOX reaction begins in which the copper is reduced (gains electrons) to become copper metal and the iron is oxidised (loses electrons) to become iron ions. When the iron ions go into solution, it will change to a green colour which is the colour of iron (II) sulfate. As a general principle, a more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal from solution by the process described above.

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Bromine is not a metal, it is a non-metal. Its colour is Reddish brown

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What happens to metal when left in the sun?

it will change colour from silver to brown colour like the trees

What are the color of metals?

Most metals are grey, as ores, unless oxidized. Then they become brown or red. Only gold and copper are not.variesmetallic colour, sort of shiny, metal-ish.

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by using only approved knifecocks for sexual activities

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Permanent...once the metal has oxidised -there is no way to reverse it.

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Phosphorus to keep oxygen away from it so that it does not get oxidised

How does the formulas of the oxides formed by alkaline earth metals compare with those of lead?

When we look at the electron configuration we can make a comparison betwwen an alkine earth metal and lead oxide. Alkine earth when oxidised will become neutral and form a salt. When lead is oxidised the hydrogen atom is not included and will therefore not form a salt, this will result in the lead oxide not becoming a neutral atom but it will become an ion having a charge of -2

Metal element that carries oxygen in the blood?

Iron as the ion 'Fe^(3+) , which is coloured red/brown and gives blood its colour.

When an oxidised copper coin is placed in a beaker of hydrochloric acid why does it turn shiny?

Iam trying to find out the anwer to that question too. Hope someone poses something

How metal elements get color?

Gold has a shiny yellow colour and copper has a pinkish colour but it appears brown, due to the reaction with oxygen. Some metals have a blackish colour like lead or iron. Some show bluish cast when exposed to light like osmium. Metal Niobium sometimes appears blue due to reactivity with oxygen. But most of the elements have silvery colour.