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Q: Which metals does not form more than one type of cation Fe Sn Cu Ag?
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How do you find if an element is anion or a cation?

An element's number of protons can predict whether it will form a cation or anion. It will form a cation if it has more protons than electrons, or an anion if there are more electrons than protons.

Roman numerals in a cation represent?

the number of electrons lost when forming an ion and that the cation can form more than one cation.

Is a cation isoelectric with the element before or after it?

No necessarily. Although the alkali metal cations are, most other cation-forming elements (metals) are not as many of them lose more than one electron. It is even more complicate for the transition metals as they can move electrons between their s and d orbitals.

How do you write the formula of a cation?

A cation is a positively charged particle that is attracted to a negative cathode. Cations are formed when an atom loses an electron to have a full outer shell. Metals usually lose electrons to form a cation. They have a positive charge because the atom now has more protons (positive) than electrons (negative). Example Na+, Mg2+ , Al3+ Heather (N Ireland)

How are alkali metals different from alkaline metals?

The alkali metals are generally more reactive than the alkaline earth metals. They form 1+ ions while the alkaline earth metals form 2+ ions. Alkali metal compounds tend to be more soluble in water than alkaline earth metals.

Why non metals found in more compounds than metals?

Even though there are about five times more elements that are metals than nonmetals, there are more nonmetals than metals found in compounds. Nonmetals form many more compounds than metals because living organisms are composed almost entirely of nonmetals. There are more than 8.7 billion living organisms on Earth.

Is magnesium anion or cation?

i don't know go back to school:) it's a cation!

Is aluminum a cation or an anion?

Aluminium, like most metals, forms cations easier than it does anions. The most common for aluminum is Al3+, when it has lost three electrons.

What would naturally form a cation?

The loss of one or more electrons causes the formation of a cation, or positive ion.

When an atom has more electrons than protons it is?

An atom with more protons than electrons is a cation.

What ion will lithium form?

Like other alkali metals, lithium has a single valence electron which it will readily lose to form a cation, indicated by the element's low electronegativity. As a result, lithium is easily deformed, highly reactive, and has lower melting and boiling points than most metals. These and many other properties attributable to alkali metals' weakly held valence electron are most distinguished in lithium, as it possesses the smallest atomic radius and thus the highest electronegativity of the alkali group. Double and triple charged cations are also possible.

Why do atoms of nonmetals form anions while atoms of metals form cations?

Metals lose electrons in bonding whilst non-metals gain electrons during ionic bonding hence metals for cations and non-metals form anions. It is difficult for a non metal such as oxygen to lose 6 electrons to form a cation since it would need a lot of energy. When it comes to metals it is also difficult to gain that much elecrons since as electrons are added the effective nuclear charge increases each time.