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Q: Which mineral can be used to create fire through rubbing pieces of the mineral together?
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Which mineral can be used to create fire through rubbing pieces of mineral together?


Which mineral can be used to create fire by rubbing them together?

Flint, a hard, sedimentary cryptocrystalline form of the mineral quartz can create a fire by producing sparks when rubbed together when wet.

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by rubbing two peices of clothing together

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just by rubbing an object e.g: rubbing hands, rubbing stones, to create a charge

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it comes from the acid and sugar mixing and rubbing them together to create that reaction.

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newtons are a measurement of mass and friction is the result of two surfaces rubbing together to usually create heat

Why does rubbing wool against plastic create static electricity?

Rubbing wool against plastic doesn't actually "create" static electricity. However, rubbing wool and plastic together does increase the surface area of the two materials that are coming into contact. When this happens electrons are exchanged between the two surfaces creating an imbalance. It is this imbalance of electrons that we see as static electricity.

Did tectonic movement create the Mediterranean sea?

Yes through compression and extension forces caused by the rubbing of the Eurasian and African tectonic plates.

How does two rocks rubbing together make sparks?

Rubbing of every two rocks doesn't create fire... those are special type of rocks...perhaps having some amount of phosphorus in them... when they are rubbed...friction causes heating which causes them to initiate sparks

How did Paleolithic people learn how to make fire?

Paleolithic people likely learned how to make fire through natural occurrences such as lightning strikes or volcanic eruptions. Over time, they may have discovered that they could create fire by rubbing sticks together or striking flint against iron pyrite. This knowledge would have been passed down through generations through observation and experimentation.