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Hardness is better.

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Q: Which mineral property is better for identifying a mineral Magnetism or hardness?
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Related questions

What is another property in identifying a mineral?

The properties in identifying minerals are color,luster,hardness,cleavage and fracture,and streak.

What are the the tests scientists use to identify minerals?

Hardness test based on the Mohs Scale of relative mineral hardness, specific gravity, streak test for mineral color, classification of mineral crystal system, chemical analysis.

How magnetism can be useful for identifying minerals?

only certain minerals display magnetism

How hardness defined when identifying minerals?

Hardness is the ability of a mineral to resist being scratched. A diamond is the hardest mineral--which means that no other mineral can scratch it.

When is hardness defined when identifying minerals?

Hardness is the ability of a mineral to resist being scratched. A diamond is the hardest mineral--which means that no other mineral can scratch it.

What does the property of mineral hardness measure?

Hardness measures a mineral's resistance to being scratched.

A mineral that can by a steel file The property you are testing is the mineral's?


Why isn't luster a good property to identify minerals?

Luster is not a good property for identifying minerals because many minerals look similar. Your best way of knowing which mineral is which is by measuring their hardness.

What property might you test by rubbing one mineral directly against another mineral?


What does the property of hardness measure?

Hardness measures a mineral's resistance to being scratched.

What mineral property are you testing if a fingernail scratches a mineral?

You are testing the relative hardness of the mineral.

What mineral property involves iron?

Magnetism involves iron.