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Q: Which mining method contributes to excessive erosion increased sediment water pollution and air pollution?
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What type of water pollution is logging led to?

sediment and bacterial pollution

What are the causes of sediment pollution?

erosion weathereing

When clear cutting ocures what kind of water pollution is there?


Describe a beneficial effect that flooding can have on a flood plain?

Benefits of flooding may include increased soil moisture and higher crop yields. Also, allowing natural flooding may help reduce excessive sediment deposits downstream.

What description sediment pollution?

a sediment piollution is is diffrent kinds of dried up old nasty things that can effect enviorment and diffrent oxygen that comes from the trees

How can sand be removed from well water through pebbles?

That is not an effective method. Easier and more efficient to fit a sediment filter, or if the sand is really excessive, what is called a "swirlaway filter"That is not an effective method. Easier and more efficient to fit a sediment filter, or if the sand is really excessive, what is called a "swirlaway filter"

What is the primary cause of sediment pollution?

Land development without installation of erosion control measures.

How do you use sediment in a sentence?

The sediment at the bottom of the river indicated the presence of pollution in the water. After the wine had been sitting for a while, sediment began to form at the bottom of the bottle. The archaeologists carefully sifted through the sediment to find any artifacts or relics from ancient civilizations.

Logging removes trees from a hill leaving a barren landscape what type of pollution is it. Either toxic sediment nutrient bacteria?


At an old gas station gasoline leaks from an underground storage link is this Toxic sediment nutrient or bacterial pollution?

you blow up and you die.

Which group of living things contributes the most to biogenous sediment?


Does erosion happens when a river is full of sediments?

Yes, erosion rates are actually increased by a high suspended sediment load.