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Q: Which minor party has not influenced platforms and elections in the US?
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Direct primary harmful to minor parties?

I believe it is because the minor party, itself, cannot vote in the major party direct elections.

How do political parties help after the elections are over?

keep a check/balance in bills n laws presented for consideration with consideration of party platforms

What is a non-partisan elections?

Elections in which no candidate has party label

How do the minor parties fit into descriptions of American politics?

Even though it may seem like minor parties don't have much of an effect on politics and elections, minor parties can actually make enough difference to change an election. Minor parties rarely win elections but are actually necessary to politics. The small amount of people that vote for minor parties could potentially cost enough for a major party to lose an election to the other major party. For example: If an election is 50/50 between Democratic and the Republican parties and 10 percent of the Democrats decide to vote for a minor party it would cost the Democrats the election. Hope this makes sense! Good luck!

How can a two party system can have more then two parties?

In a two party system, there exists minor parties. A minor party is a smaller, less influential political party. The two party system is when two parties control almost all the political roles. The two major parties also have a majority of the registered voters willing to vote in their party's favor. Minor parties tend to be more single focus platforms while the two major parties encompass many issues.

What Party candidats rarely win elections but they can affect and elections outcome and influence government and social policy?

Third Party

Why are lawmakers influenced by political party?

Lawmakers are influenced by their political party because the party allows them to represent them. The lawmakers are supported by their party.

To become president a person must win three different kinds of elections?

The United States president must win three different elections. These elections include the party elections that allow a candidate to become the party flag bearer, the general elections, and the Electoral College elections.

What happens to third party platforms?

the third party dies down

What is a minor party today?

A minor party is one that has very few or no officially elected members. Examples of minor parties include the Green party and the Libertarian party.

primary elections?

Elections in which voters determine a political party's nominee for a general election.

Are presidential debates important?

Presidential debates can influence the decisions made by voters in Presidential elections. Even though in most elections, there is a lot of party loyalty, and many voters are determined to vote for the candidate of their own party, almost regardless of anything else they may learn about that person, still, there are some people who are undecided, and who can be influenced, and in a close election, such influences can be important.