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It was the printing press!!:)

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The internet and e-readers have made the distribution of books even easier than the printing press by allowing for instant access to a vast array of digital books that can be downloaded and read on various devices quickly and easily.

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Q: Which modern invention made the distribution of books even easier than the printing press?
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Elaborate the invention of printing press?

The printing press is very, very old. It was invented before electricity, the telephone, and most modern conveniences. The printing press changed the world. The mechanical systems involved were first assembled in around 1440. A printing pressis a mechanical device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium (such as paper or cloth), thereby transferring the ink. Typically used for texts, the invention and use are widely regarded as the most influential event in the second millennium AD, revolutionizing the way people conceive and describe the world they live in, and ushering in the modern period.

Invented the printing press?

The printing press was invented by a man named Johannes Gutenberg. The printing press was invented in the year of 1440.

What was the invention of Johann Gutenberg?

He invented the modern printing press in the year 1450, making the first fully printed edition of the Holy Bible and revolutionizing the way Europe got their books.

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What was the importance of the printing press in spreading press?

The printing press was crucial in spreading information and ideas by making it easier, faster, and cheaper to produce books and pamphlets. This invention played a significant role in the spread of knowledge, literacy, and the Protestant Reformation by allowing for mass production of texts. It democratized access to information and helped shape the modern world.

Did ancient rome have any TVs?

No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.No. You are asking about ancient Rome. Television is a modern invention, needing electricity and other modern components. Ancient Rome had none of these things.