

Which molecule covers the binding site?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Which molecule covers the binding site?
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What is a binding site?

The binding site is where a specific binding molecule and a specific receptor protein can combine. This combination can only occur at the binding site. All in the 9th grade text book

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tRNA molecules.

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Receptor proteins- have a binding site for a specific molecule

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Tropomyosin. When Ca2+ ion is not bound to troponin, tropomyosin covers the active site on G(lobular) actin. Answered by, DLT.

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Actin is the molecule that has a binding site for myosin heads. This interaction is crucial for muscle contraction as myosin binds to actin and generates force to cause muscle movement.

The particular region of an enzyme molecule that combines with the substrate it acts upon is called what?

The region of an enzyme molecule that combines with the substrate is called the active site. This is where the substrate binds and the catalytic reaction takes place. The specific shape and chemical properties of the active site allow for the enzyme to interact with its substrate in a highly specific manner.

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Diffusion of nonpolar molecules would not be affected by charge. Allosteric inhibition is generally a result of binding regulatory molecule at a site other than the active site.

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Thermal binding covers come in a variety of colors, including black, white, blue, red, green, and gray. These colors give users the option to choose a cover that best suits their document or presentation.

How can ADP be recycled to use ATP again?

when the ATP has been broken down to ADP, the ADP is released from the binding site in the protein and the binding site may then be filled by another ATP molecule.

What is the difference between an allosteric enzyme and a non-allosteric enzyme?

alloesterinc enzymes have 2 or more binding sites which can bind the same or different molecules. When a molecule bind one of the sites the other site changes conformation and gets a higher affinity for a ligand. this is allostric coorporation. alloestric sites can also regulate binding of a ligand by preventing binding if they are occupied. this is alloesteric regulation. allo means "other" sterio means "site" so allosteric means "other site". a regular enzyme has one or more binding sites but they are independent of each other i.e. binding of a ligand to one site does not increase or decrease affinity of binding in the other site.

Sliding filament model which proteinS have a calcium binding site?

The actin filaments have a Ca+2 binding site.