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Kermt the Frog said this often.

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Q: Which muppet said its not easy being green?
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Which Muppet said 'it's not easy bring green'?

Kermit the Frog

Who said its not easy being green?

hermit da frog

Where did the muppet's live?

When was No One Said It Would Be Easy created?

No One Said It Would Be Easy was created in 1999.

What are the benefits of green interiors?

Green is said to be a very easy color for the eyes. This may create an environment where you feel calm, collected, and able to relax more easily than a brightly colored room full of reds and yellows.

How did the muppet show end?

Story-wise: There was no official ending. The last episode (guest star Roger Moore), at the end Kermit said "We'll see you next time on The Muppet Show". Production-wise: Jim Henson felt that audiences would get bored and he decided to put the show to an end.

How do you use have green eyes in a sentence?

Do you have green eyes? John said "I have green eyes".

Who is on the cover of sealed with a diss?

Lisi Harrison said that the girls on ALL the covers are cliques not the clique. Basically they're not really anyone. That's what it said in the very back of It's Not Easy Being Mean.

Can you put this sentence for simply who said this is easy can' you say easy in another way?

yes there is a meaning of easy and u said that the person said "this is easy" and the other way of easy is simple , im gonna put simple in the sentense and it's gonna be "this is simple" that's it ^_^ wanna have another question just send me a letter and thnx for the easy ques

How do you use easy in a sentence?

The test questions were easy! "Easy does it!" the man said to his horse. Are the classes at this school easy or hard?

What are the release dates for No One Said It Would Be Easy - 2009?

No One Said It Would Be Easy - 2009 was released on: USA: April 2009

What are joe biden gaffes?

He said Obama wasn't ready to be president and now he is running as his VP. Biden's latest - "It's easy being vice president - you don't have to do anything." Whomever Biden was chatting with said, "It's like being the grandpa and not the parent." "Yeah, that's it!" replied Biden.