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Q: Which muscle protein forms cross-bridges
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The protein that interacts with actin to form crossbridges?


What bridge forms between Calcium ions?

Calcium bridges form between muscle cells. The calcium ions bind to troponin-tropomyosin molecules in the grooves of actin filaments and form crossbridges.

What protein of the human body forms the contractile thin filaments of muscle cells?


What are food that make you gain muscle mass?

Foods that are high in protein are the best forms of muscle building foods. Lean cuts of beef, chicken, fish, pork and even eggs are good fuel for muscle growth.

What happens when you consume lots of protein?

Protein builds muscle, and muscle burns fat.

Does the heart contain protein?

yes the heart contains protein because muscle is made of protein and the heart is a huge muscle.

What is Myocin?

A fibrous protein that forms (together with actin) the contractile filaments of muscle cells and is also involved in motion in other types of cells.

Function of protein in your body?

They forms different structures in the body like muscles, bones and skin.They also occurs in our blood or cells.The enzymes which control different metabolic reactions are protein in nature.Fibrinogen is a blood clotting protein.Histone is the protein which forms the structure of chromosome.The membranes of cells and organelles are formed by proteins.

What is muscle protein?

it is tiny muscle fibers that contract and expand the muscle

What is the protein content of muscle milk?

Muscle milk is a protein shake that could possibly have anywhere from 8 grams of protein to around 30-40 grams of protein.

Why is protein important for your muscle?

protein is important because it builds up muscle cells and is usedto repair them if they get damaged.

How do protein helps us in?

Protein helps muscle development.