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the hamstring

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Q: Which muscle would you stretch if having a hamstring spasm?
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Which muscle would you stretch to releive a runner who is complaining of a hamstring spasm?

Stretch NOTHING! The common misconception is that stretching relieves muscle spasms, wrong! It does just the opposite. What you should do instead is MET. muscle energy technique. If the quads contract, they will automatically release the hamstrings because of their antagonistic relationship. Muscle spindles and golgi tendons are the yin and yang of release and relaxation.

What would happen if you overstretched your muscle?

Overstretching of a muscle initiates a stretch reflex spasm where the muscle spindle cells relay a message to the spinal cord, and an efferent message is sent to motor units to contract the muscle, thereby causing a muscle spasm.

Why do calf muscles continuously twitch?

well if your calf muscle constantly twitches you are probably having a muscle spasm

What you call when a muscle contracts involuntarily?

cardiac and smooth

What is it when your lips are jumping?

I believe when your lips are "jumping", that you're just having a muscle spasm.

What massage technique can help relieve muscle spasm?

The recommended way of relieving a muscle spasm is a muscle-energy technique called reciprocal inhibition. What you do is have the person with the spasm contract the antagonist muscle(s) related to the ones in spasm. Works like a charm.

What is loss of normal cervical lordosis consistent with muscle spasm?

What is loss of the normal cervical lordosis consistent with muscle spasm?

What is a sentence for spasm?

He ran so far his leg muscle went into a spasm.

What triggers a spasm?

a muscle spasm occurs when the muscles have been tense for a long period of time and then you make a sudden movement and it causes it to spasm. I have suffered with muscle spasm's in my back for about a year now due to a back injury and this is what my doctor has told me, it can be treated with diazapam to relax the muscle's.

Explain a muscle spasm in terms of recruitment of muscle fibers?

A muscle spasm is the spontaneous recruitment of muscle fibers. The resulting contraction is usually painful, but it typically resolves very quickly.

How do you spell spasim?

The word for an involuntary muscle movement is "spasm".

If you have pain on your right side of your center back The only thing that relieves the pain is cracking your back.What could this be?

Without an exam I would say this is a muscle spasm... The act of twisting (to pop your back) would 'stretch' the spasming muscle...