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the sternoclediomastoid, scalenes and external intercostals all work to increase throracic volume. hope that helps

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12y ago

The basic inspiratory muscles, diaphragm and external intercostals, contract more strongly. Sternomastoid and scalenus also contract, to produce may increase in thoracic volume.

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13y ago

The Diaphragm, sternocledeidomastoid and scalene muscles contract for forced inhalation.

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11y ago

Internal Intercostals

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Q: Which muscles are used when inspiration is forced?
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Which muscle or muscles are the most important muscles used in inspiration and inhalation?

the diaphragm is the muscle(s) that are most important muscle used in inspiration (inhalation)?

What is the important muscle of inspiaration?

Most important muscle of inspiration is the diaphragm, which upon contraction, pulls the base of the lung down and increases the pressure inside of the lung, drawing air into the lungs. Other muscles that are not as important except for in forced inspiration are the intercostal muscles and sternocleidomastoid muscles, which only work when forced expiration is required as well :)

What is the diaphragm muscle and the chest muscles are used for?

Breathing. These muscles are used to change the pressure in the chest so air can flow in and out of the lungs (on inspiration and expiration).

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my wang

What muscle is used in blowing?

The ab muscles are used for forcibly blowing air. A common misconception is that the diaphragm allows forced expiration when it is, in fact, used for inspiration. The diaphragm muscle will flatten (from its relaxed dome shape) when contracting allowing negative pressure to draw air into the lungs.

What muscles is utilized for inspiration?

Mainly the diaphragm.

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innermost layer

What is forced inspiration a sign of?

Forced inspiration can be a sign of experiencing creative block or burnout. It may indicate a lack of passion or motivation for the task at hand, leading to difficulty generating genuine creative ideas. It's important to find ways to rejuvenate and reconnect with your creativity to avoid forced inspiration.

What muscle or muscles expand the chest cavity by rotating the ribs upward contibuting to inspiration?

What muscle expand the chest cavity by rotating the ribs upward, contributing to inspiration

What muscle expand chest cavity upward during inspiration?

The diaphragm (a sheet of muscle underneath the ribcage) and intercostal muscles (located between your ribs).

Which muscies is responsible for inspiration when breathing?

The diaphragm, a sheet of muscles spanning the rib cage just below the lungs, is mainly responsible for both inspiration and expiration. The intercostal muscles are also used, expanding and contracting the the space between the ribs. The abdominal muscles are used to a lesser extent either by relaxing to allow further expansion of the diaphragm or contraction for rapid expulsion of air. (Note to the person who answered this question previously: "Inspiration" means to inhale. "Expiration means to exhale. Don't tell someone that they don't know what they are talking about unless you know what you are talking about.)

What is the main function of the internal and extercostal muscles?

They assist the diaphragm with inspiration and expiration.