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Q: Which neutral atom is isoelectronic with each what ions F Ca2 P3 K Pb2?
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Are Cs and Xe ions isoelectronic?

The ion Cs+ is isoeletronic with the neutral atom of xenon (54 electrons).

What term means having the same number of electrons?

Two atoms and/or ions that have the same numbers of electrons are called "isoelectronic". Thus, a lithium cation is isoelectronic with a helium atom, because each has a total of two electrons.

What does the statement 'that an atom or an ions is isoelectronic with a noble gas mean?

it means that the total number of electrons in the ions and the noble gases are the same.

If a sodium ion is isoelectronic with neon why is it still considered sodium?

The characterization of element for an atom or ion is determined solely by the number of protons in its nucleus, which remains the same in neutral atoms and in all ions of the element.

What are isoelectronic ions explain with example?

Two ions are said to be isoelectronic with each other if they have the same number of valence electrons and the same structure, regardless of the nature of elements involved. some examples are: cations like K+, Ca2+,Sc3+ CO, N2, valence electrons of C- 4, valence electrons of O -6, total num-10 valence electron of N -5 , THEREFORE TOTAL ELECTRONS-5+5=10 .Hence isoelectronic

Why is the atom called electrically neutral?

its is neutral cuz every atom has negative electrons surrounding the nucleus which has a positive protons, each atom have the same number of protons and electrons so the cancel out each other, it becomes neutral, but there are things called positive ions and negative ions, they are atoms that looses or gains electron without the change of the protons

Is Chlorine a neutral atom?

Yes, Chlorine, like any other element, is a neutral atom, but it can form charged ions.

When an ion and an atom are isoelectronic?

Answering by example: Cl- ion, Ar atom, K+ and Ca2+ ions are all 'iso-electronic' to each other, because they all have the same 20 electrons in the same (noble gas) electron configuration (structure) as argon has: [Ar] = [1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p6]

An atom differs in electric charge from what?

A neutral atom differs in charge from a positive or negative ion.

What is the charge to polonium?

The standard atom is neutral; the ions are Po2+ and Po4+.

Why is chlorine -1 ion and sulfur -2?

Chlorine needs only one additional electron to form an ion that is isoelectronic with an atom of the noble gas argon, while sulfur needs two additional electrons to form an ion that is isoelectronic with an atom of the noble gas argon. Ions that are isoelectronic with noble gas atoms are particular stable; therefore, their formation is favored.

How does an s2- ion differ from an electrically neutral sulfur atom?

All ions differ from an electrically neutral atom in that they are missing or have gained one or more electrons. A S2- atom has 2 less electrons than a neutral atom.