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Correct: ''the atoms of the element X are isoelectronic with the ions of the element Y".

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Q: What is wrong with the statement ''the atoms of element X are isoelectronic with the atoms of element Y?
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What is wrong with the statement the atoms of element x are isoelectronic with the atoms of element y?

Nothing's wrong, except that it means elements X and Y are in fact the same element, if their atoms have the same number of electrons. --------- A more clear, correct and short answer: a neutral atom of an element can be isoelectronic only with an ionized atom of another element.

What was Dalton's four proposals or therories?

Elements are made of tiny particles called atomsAll atoms of a given element are identical (Proven wrong)The atoms of a given element are different from any other element (Not completely true)Atoms of one element can combine with atoms of another element to form chemical compounds

Which parts of Daltons theory were later found to be erroneous?

dalton was wrong about atoms being indivisible. atoms are divisible into several subatomic particles. dalton was wrong about all atoms of a given element having identical properties.

The blank of an element is a measure of the mass of its atoms?

you cant use wiki answers for your homework kid!! Its wrong and i hope u get the answer wrong!

What type of atoms are in electromagnetic waves?

EM waves are not made out of atoms -- they come in "chunks" called photons. But photons and atoms are completely different things. The statement, "light is composed of many atoms" is almost completely wrong.

What did John Dalton get wrong?

Thse affirmations are not considered valid today:· All atoms of a given element are identical. · A given compound always has the same relative numbers of types of atoms.

How are compound different from the elements that make them?

Simply put, an element is made up of identical atoms, and a compound is made up of non identical atoms. If I am wrong, blame my science teacher.

Is every atom in the world is exactly the same?

"No. There are just over 100 different types of atoms that can currently be found or made." wrong... atom is unique. atom is the smallest thing u can ever get to . this is occupied in all substances in the world.

What does a roman numeral tell you when it is written after an element?

I think it means how many atoms is in the element im not quite sure if im right or wrong it's just a guess off the top of my head.

What is wrong with this statement?

It's a question, not a statement.

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A contradiction of a statement is a statement that proves the previous statement wrong.

What did Rutherford scattering experiment reveal about atoms?

The principal conclusion was that any chemical element has a positive charged central nucleus.