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Long island .

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Q: Which new york landscape feature was formed primarily as a result of glacial deposition?
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Which New York State landscape feature was formed primarily as a result of glacial deposition?

Long Island, which was formed by a glacial moraine (the leading edge of the glacier pushing rock, soil and sand).

What is a blowout and what is the process that produced one?

what is a landscape feature created by glacial deposits

Is a cirque the result of erosion or deposition?

A cirque, also known as a Cwm or Corrie, is a feature of glacial erosion, formed in a mountainside.

What is the primary effect of glacial deposition?

Huge boulders strung across the landscape that are out of place had been deposited there by a glacier which had moved them from several hundred miles away.

What type of glaciers are there and how do they erode the land?

glacial deposition and glacial erosion

Which is a landscape feature created by glacial deposits?

horns, cirques, Ushaped valleys, and glacial lakes. Glacial erratics if your doing it for

Is a moraine formed by glacial deposition?

Yes they are

Is Glacial striations erosion or deposition?


Is a glacial Lake a result of erosion or deposition?


Is a glacial lake a result of deposition or erosion?


Explain the difference between erosion and deposition?

Glacial erosion is the process by which a glacial flows over the land, picking up rocks. Glacial deposition is the process by which a glacier gathers a huge amount of rock and soil as it Erodes the land in the path

What is the difference between glacial erosion and glacial deposition?

They are opposites. Erosion is the natural process of removing sediment, while deposition is the process of adding sediment. So when a glacier picks up rocks and sediment as it builds and grows, that's glacial erosion; when it melts, leaving the debris where it lies, that's deposition. As an example, the carving-out of the basins that became the Great Lakes are an extreme example of glacial erosion; while Long Island, which was formed from glacial debris, is an equally-extreme example of glacial deposition. Say this answer is useful if u 💜 science.