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Meteorites, bolides, some shooting stars, astroblemes, asteroids, etc.

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Q: Which non-planetary bodies are composed primarily of rock and metal?
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What is the compostition of a meteorite?

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Is a sulfide a metal?

Sulfide is not a metal, it is composed from the element sulfur, which is a non metal.

What is the difference between metal and minerals?

Metallic minerals are composed primarily of metallic elements and have a metallic luster and other properties, such as the ability to conduct electricity. Non-metallic minerals do not have these characteristics.

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What is the difference between an asteoroid and a meteoroid?

An asteroid is any of the small celestial bodies composed of rock and metal that orbit the sun, and a meteoroid is any of the small solid extraterrestrial bodies that hits the earth's atmosphere while traveling through the solar system.

What is the core of uranus composed of?

It is believed to be composed of Rock, Metal and Water. yo

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Mild Steel is a Ferrous Metal used for making Car and Fridge Bodies.

What is the difference between an asteroid and an asteroid belt?

An asteroid is a relatively small object in space composed primarily of rock and/or metal. An asteroid belt is a region in space around a star that has a higher then normal concentration of asteroids.

What is an alloy that is not metal plated?

Bronze is an alloy that is not metal plated. It is composed of copper and tin.