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Q: Which nonconventional energy source can be exploited most economically?
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Which non conventional energy source can be exploited most economically?

Solar energy is currently one of the most economically viable non-conventional energy sources for widespread exploitation. The technology has become more affordable over the years, with decreasing costs of solar panels and increasing efficiency of solar photovoltaic systems. Additionally, solar energy is abundant and sustainable, making it an attractive option for long-term economic benefits.

What are examples of conventional and nonconventional energy?

Conventional energy source - Gasoline and other petroleum products like diesel etc. They are derived from Coal and fossil fuels. Non - Conventional energy source - Solar Power, Wind energy (Using wind mills), hydro - electricity, Bio Gas etc.

What are the arguments for uranium mining?

Uranium is a very useful metal and specially is an alternative source of energy to fossil fuels.Uranium must be exploited.

Is industrial use of solar energy economically viable?

Not really at this time. Solar energy would be viable once fossil fuel energy source become possibly double (the cost) of what they are today. This sector is taking a gamble on new environmentally friendly philosophy that the world has recently embraced. Thus, would solar energy ever be economically viable? no doubts it will be just not at this time.

Why are ocean waves a promising source of energy?

Ocean waves are a promising source of energy because they are consistent, renewable, and abundant as ocean waves are generated by wind patterns and therefore constantly occurring. Additionally, harnessing this energy source produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions, making it a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels.

Is Solar sustainable form of energy production?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by sustainable, but solar energy will be available until the Earth dies. So, in that sense it is sustainable. On the other hand it is not economically feasible as a broad based source of energy, so in that sense it is not sustainable.

Is solar a sustainable form of energy production?

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by sustainable, but solar energy will be available until the Earth dies. So, in that sense it is sustainable. On the other hand it is not economically feasible as a broad based source of energy, so in that sense it is not sustainable.

The plantations could have operated without slaveswhy?

Plantations relied on slave labor due to the need for cheap and abundant workforce to maximize profits. Slaves were seen as a source of free labor that plantation owners exploited to cultivate crops at lower costs. This allowed plantations to be economically viable and competitive in the market.

Why is tidal energy not likely to be a potential source of energy?

Tidal energy has high initial infrastructure costs, limited suitable locations for tidal power plants, and environmental impacts on marine ecosystems. Additionally, the technology for harnessing tidal energy is still relatively new and not yet economically competitive with other renewable energy sources.

Is a solar energy system considered as a blue energy source or a green energy source?

green energy source

What is The major source of wealth exploited by the Spaniards in the Americas?

The major source of wealth exploited by the Spaniards in the Americas was silver. Spain extracted vast amounts of silver from mines in places like Mexico, Bolivia, and Peru, which significantly enriched the Spanish Empire during the colonial period.

Is electricity a clean source of energy?

The term clean source of energy refers to only primary energy sources as wind or solar energy. Electricity, by definition, is not a primary energy source. It is a secondary energy source that is could be produced by a clean energy source as wind or any renewable primary energy source or produced by fossil energy source as oil, natural gas, or coal.