

Which novels did George Eliot write?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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George Eliot was the pen name of Mary Anne Evans and she employed a male pen name in order for her work to be taken seriously. She wrote seven novels including Silas Marner, The Mill on the Floss and Middlemarch.

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Was George Eliot the pen name of Mary Ann Evans who lived 1819 to 1880?

Yes, that is correct. Mary Ann Evans used the pen name George Eliot to write her novels. She was born in 1819 and passed away in 1880.

How many novels did George Eliot write?

George Eliot, the pen name of Mary Ann Evans, wrote seven novels. These include "Adam Bede" (1859), "The Mill on the Floss" (1860), "Silas Marner" (1861), "Romola" (1863), "Felix Holt, the Radical" (1866), "Middlemarch" (1871-1872), and "Daniel Deronda" (1876).

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George Eliot was a girl under the name of George Eliot. She couldn't write books as a girl in her time because there was no such thing as a girl writer back in the 1800 George Eliot was the pen name of Mary Ann Evans.

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The real name of the author of Middlemarch is Mary Ann Evans. She used the pen name George Eliot when writing her novels.

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because writing was something that he wanted to do for a career. it was a hobby that some just enjoy doing.

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T. Kearns has written: 'The development of the heroine in the novels of George Eliot 1859-1876'

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Some of the best and most famous novels by George Eliot include "Middlemarch," "Silas Marner," and "The Mill on the Floss." These works are celebrated for their intricate character development, rich social commentary, and exploration of human nature.

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Rosemary Clark-Beattie has written: 'The problem of language in George Eliot's later novels'

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Teresa Clare Woods Snelgrove has written: 'Narrative organization in the novels of George Eliot'

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George Eliot Hospital was created in 1948.

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George Eliot was born on November 22, 1819.