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The Brazil nut.

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Q: Which nut is named after a country?
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Which nut is named after a South American country?


What country in South America is named after a nut?

The nut called the Brazil nut (seed of Bertholletia excelsa) is named for Brazil, not the other way around.The country was named for a different commodity, the brazilwood tree (Paubrasilia echinata), which provided timber and red dye. The Portuguese wanted to call it Terra da Santa Cruz (Land of the Holy Cross), but the popular name given by sailors stuck.

What nut is a country?

Brazil Nut, Brazil is also a country in South America.

Where was the first nut found?

in Egyptian mythology there was a god named Nut, she was the goddess of the sky

What is hazel nut?

A hazelnut is a delicious nut that is found in Michigan, and is the nickname of anyone named Hazel

Country with the same as a nut?


Is Bezile a continent or country?

There is a country named Brazil and there is a country named Belize but there is no country or continent named Bezile.

Which country is the largest cashew nut producing country?

Viet Nam

Why are peanuts named peanuts?

it was named peanut because it had a nut in the shell and the guy that named it/ found it was going pee. true story.

What does Brazil have that no other country has?

Brazil nut

What is a country that has the same name as a nut?


Is the bottom alternator bolt in a 1998 town and country self tightening or does it have a nut?

It has a nut on the back side