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Q: Which nutrient passes through the large intestine mostly indigested and unabsorbed?
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What happens to the unabsorbed food in our small intestine?

the unabsorbed food in the small intestine passes through the ileocecal valve to the large intestine where, after the last few nutrients and fluids are reabsorbed, it is defecated.

Nutrient molecules pass from the small intestine into the bloodstream through tiny structures called what?

Nutrient molecules pass from the small intestine into the through tiny structures called villi.

Taking nutrient through the small intestine?


Do Nutrient molecules pass from the small intestine into the blood stream through the villi?


What nutrient molecule passes through the wall of the digestive system into the blood?

the answer is the large intestine

How does the body absorb nutrient's?

Most of the nutrients are soaked up by the small intestine through villi, I believe.

What two digestive processes occur in the small intestine?

The two processes that occur are digestion and absorption. Digestion is the process by which your body breaks down food into small nutrient chemicals. While absorption is the process in which when the small nutrient molecules go through a wall of the digestive system and into the blood.

What are the two main functions of the digestive system?

The digestive main functions are: ingestion (the taking of the food via the mouth. digestion- the mechanical and chemical break down of food by chewing and enzymes. absorption- food passes through the intestinal wall into the blood system and elimination- the removal of indigested waste

What is the function of a cow intestines?

The small intestine in a bovine operates the same way it does in humans or any other mammal: it absorbs nutrients from the digesta that is pushed through it. The small intestine, just like in humans, contains many microscopic villi that increase the surface area of the small intestine and increase the efficiency of nutrient absorption from the small intestine into the bloodstream.

How do digested nutrients get in the blood stream?

After food get digested, there are enzymes that break down larger molecules such as proteins and carbohydrates into smaller molecules before it can pass into the blood stream. Mainly in the small intestine, nutrients pass into the blood stream. Depending on the type of "nutrient" that get passed through, some just diffuse through by difference in concentration gradient. Some require active pumps in the lining of the small intestine to pump the "nutrient" into the cell or blood stream. Hope I didn't confuse you too much. In short, some molecule just pass through. Some needs to be pumped across the cell membrane.

Where does most of the absorption of nutrients occur?

small intestine

True nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream through villi into the large intestine?

The Bronchus in the lungs provide a larger area for Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide to transfer into and out of the blood stream