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Q: Which nutrients occur naturally in rocks and soil and in the body?
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Which nutrients occur naturally in rocks and soil and are required by the body in very small amounts?

There are a number of metals which are called trace elements, that the body needs in very small amounts; these include copper and zinc.

Which nutrients occurs naturally in rocks and soil and required by the body in very small amounts?

There are a number of metals which are called trace elements, that the body needs in very small amounts; these include copper and zinc.

Does lithium occur naturally in the body?

yes. its does if it's a drug

What are the uses of bacteria?

your body has bacteria in it naturally for good reasons. They are mainly found in the digestive tract and are used to help your body digest the nutrients in your body.

Does ecstasy naturally occur in your body?

Endorphins are naturally released in the brain, but MDMA (ecstasy) releases many times more, thus giving you a "high"

What Painkilling chemicals that occur naturally in the body are known as?

The pain-controlling chemicals in the body are called endorphins.

What is the function of calcium fluoride in the body?

Calcium fluoride does not actually occur naturally in the human body and as such doesn't really contain a function. Outside of the body it is used in the production of materials.

Which property of water makes it important in the breakdown of organic chemicals like your nutrients?

Water aids chemical reactions to occur that help the breakdown of organic chemicals like nutrients in the body. This then enables them to be absorbed for further uses throughout the body.

Why do hygiene requirements change as you get older?

Your hormones and the chemicals that your body produces naturally, change with age. This causes your needs for different nutrients to differ with age

What is made up of nutrients in your body?

Your body is composed entirely of nutrients, or of substances that were made from nutrients.

How can you make sure your body gets all the nutrients it needed?

By eating a balanced diet. If you can get organically-grown food and meat that is raised naturally, it could farther insure that you are getting the nutrients you need. Another way to ensure your body get's the vitamins and minerals it needs is to take supplements.

What carries nutrients to all parts of the body?

The blood carries nutrients to the body. Most of the nutrients are transported to places that needs the nutrients the most.