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Jesus was first tempted just after his baptism when he fasted for 40 days after the Spirit drove him out into the wilderness, (Matthew 4.1-11).

After this Jesus was tempted many times by the Jews and by his own people during his ministry.

Two come to mind. - Once when he was asked if it was lawful to give tribute to Caesar, (Matthew.22.17,18); and another time by Peter, when he rebuked Jesus for telling about his death, (Matthew 16.23)

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Q: Which occasion's was Jesus was tempted?
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Why did Jesus get tempted?

he didnt

Where was Jesus when Satan tempted Jesus?

The Judean wilderness

Who tempted jesus for 40 nights and days?

Even though after his baptism, Jesus was lead by the spirit, and yes was tempted by the Satan.

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When Jesus is tempted by Satan three times, Jesus rebuffs those attacks and the devil leaves him.

Re when was Jesus tempted by Satan?

In 1964

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The devil tempted Jesus three times while he was in the desert for forty days. First, he tempted Jesus to make bread from stone. Second, Jesus was tempted to jump from a cliff so angels could catch him. Finally, he was tempted to worship the devil.

How was Jesus tempted?

Matthew 4:1-11

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Acording to the Holy Bible, Satan tempted Christ 3 times using scripture and Christ rebuked him each time through scripture!

Jesus tempted by Satan?

Jesus was tempted by Satan after He was baptized, when He went into the wilderness for 40 days and nights. Read the account in Matthew 4:1 through 11.

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Could Jesus be tempted to commit sin?

Jesus actually was tempted, when he was living on this earth. It says in Matthew 4:1- Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. Jesus had been fasting in the desert for 40 days, then the devil came to him and said If you are really Jesus than turn those stones into bread. Jesus replied saying man shall not live on bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of the father. The devil tempts Him in other ways and still Jesus resisted it. Some people might say well if Jesus was tempted than he sinned and if he sinned then he couldn't be God. Being tempted isn't a sin, it's what you do with that temptation that makes it wrong.

Was Jesus tempted by Satan yes he was. for 40 days and nights in the desert?

Actually Jesus was in the desert for forty days and nights. And yes he did get tempted by Satan. Three times.