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I'm not sure which names sound like that... But here are the names of Santa's reindeer-









Hope that helps! :)

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Q: Which of santas reindeer have Names that make them some like a womenizer?
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Which of santas reindeer are girls?

Dancer, Vixen, and Cupid sounds like girl names to me, but you would have to ask the reindeer to be sure.

Which of santas reindeer have names that make them sound like womanizers?

Prancer, Dasher, Cupid, Dancer, Vixen, blitzen

What color are santas reindeers?

Brown, like normal reindeer, with the exception of Rudolf's nose. They are bigger and more majestic than the average reindeer though.

Why do reindeer pull santas sleigh?

Because Chihuahuas would be too small and you would have to use like 50 and elephants are too big

How old are Santa's reindeer?

Santa's reindeer are whatever age they choose to be. After they grow up, Santa shares his magic with them so they can pick an age and stay there.

What people drink reindeer milk?

Water, sometimes they have to eat snow.

What do people think Santas reindeer eat?

When I was younger I thought they ate carrots and lettuce and all that until I realized that when I left it out at night my Dad would bring it back in and leave some lettuce leaves on the ground.

Do santas reindears like eating apples?

yes they do.. here is a tip for you...... santa's reindeer love apples when they are cut up in pieces but still have the skin on it. By the way please start giving the reindeer apple and please not to many carrots! fondest regards father christmas! xx

What does santas workshop looks like?

Nobody's ever been there except him, Mrs. Claus, the elves and the reindeer -- and none of them are talking! Use your imagination to picture the workshop and it'll probably be pretty close.

What do reindeer sound like?

like a reindeer

What are Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer's kids names?

His kids names are Darla, Randolph, Rudolph Jr, and Jr has a red nose like his dad.

What board game did Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer like to play?

:/ Well in the song after the line 'all of the other reindeer/used to laugh and call him names, they never let poor Rudolph/join in any reindeer games' we would always add 'like monopoly' in the gap.