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Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia

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Green plants carry out photosynthesis. Plants are located in the Plantae Kingdom.

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Q: Which of the 5 kingdoms contain organisms that carry out Photosynthesis and respiration?
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What kingdoms contain eukaryotic organisms?

The four kingdoms that contain eukaryotic organisms are plantae, animalia, fungi and protista.

What four kingdoms contain eukaryotic organisms?

The four kingdoms that contain eukaryotic organisms are plantae, animalia, fungi and protista.

Which kingdoms contain organisms that have no nucleus?

Monera or Moneran

What kinds of living organisms can use photosynthesis?

those organisms which contain chlorophyll can use photosynthesis

What kingdoms contain organisms that do not contain nuclei protista eubacteria or animalia?


What kingdoms consist of only unicellular organisms?

The kingdoms eubacteria and kingdom archaebacteria are bacteria kingdoms, which are unicellular.

Which molecules involved in photosynthesis and respiration contain carbon?

Carbon dioxide in cellular respiration CO2 And in photosynthesis Oxygen

Which kingdoms contain organisms that can make their on food?

plants fungi

What organisms undergo photonthesis?

Organisms that undergo photosynthesis are those that contain photosynthetic pigments, most notably chlorophyll, undergo photosynthesis.

How is kingdom plantae different from other kingdoms?

Kingdom Plantae is characterized by organisms that are autotrophic, meaning they can make their food through photosynthesis. They have cell walls made of cellulose and contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis. This sets them apart from other kingdoms such as Animalia, which are heterotrophic and lack cell walls.

What kingdoms are eukaryotic kingdoms?

Eukaryotic organisms are multicellular and contain a membrane bound nucleus. The kingdoms Animalia, Plantae, Protista and Fungi are part of the eukaryotic domain.

Which 2 kingdoms contain all the prokaryotic organisms?

"There are two kingdoms of prokaryotes. These are the bacteria (or eubacteria) and the archaebacteria (or the Archaea)."