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Q: Which of the ancient Chinese religions believed that eventually your spirit can enter a place called nirvana?
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There were few similarities:The general concept of messianismThe belief in an afterlifeThe belief in free willLoosely speaking, Both religions believed in monotheism. The Ancient Persians believed in other lesser deities as well, but there are some scholars that think the ancient Hebrews also believed in lesser deities for awhile.

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It tells us what the Chinese believed in and it taught us more about ancient China's culture.

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Most of the ancient Chinese religions were based on philosophical ideas, such as the idea of harmony existing in nature (ex. every Yin to its Yang)

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ancient Chinese believed it was caused by your mom

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It tells us what the Chinese believed in and it taught us more about ancient China's culture.

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The Chinese also strongly believed in the wisdom of the elders and, because of this, older people were greatly respected.