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Q: Which of the brain regions is a major convergence area for nost sensory input before it is sent on to the cerebral cortex?
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Can you survive without a cerebral cortex?

Probably not, even be lost before birth.

Which type of sensory information does not pass through the thalamus?

A person's sense of smell does not first need to be processed by the Thalamus before entering the Cortex. This is often times why a smell can cause a memory recall faster than other kinds of sensory input.

What part of the brain sorts incoming information such as touch signals from your hand into categories before directing the input to appropriate part of the cerebral cortex?

A) pons B) thalamus C) hypothalamus D) corpus callosum E) hippocampus

What are three reasons for believing in the accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory information?

Reasons to believe in the accuracy of sensory information:When you touch something hot, your sense of feeling will send messages to your brain and you can remove your hand (or other part of your body) before you get burned.Your sense of smell can signal when there is danger. When you smell smoke, there is a fire, or at the very least something smoldering, so you can trust the accuracy of that sensory information.The information provided by your sense of sight usually provides accurate information about the world around you. If you see two people talking, there is no doubt about them actually talking. If you see the sun during the day, you know it is not a cloudy day, etc.Reasons to believe sensory information can be inaccurate:Our past experiences can influence our perception of sensory information. For example, when you see a girl and guy talking, there is no doubt that they are talking, but if you are insecure in your relationship and the boy happens to be your boyfriend, you might jump to wrong conclusions.Though our sensory organs may be working fine, environmental influences may distort our interpretation of the data the organ is sending to us. For example, we could look down a street and not see anyone and think it is safe to walk down that street, but someone could be behind a tree or other object.We do not always interpret sensory data correctly no matter what sensory organ we are using. That is the most important reason we should be aware that we may not always rely on sensory information.

Why do these regions lead scientists to hypothesize that there may have once been life on mars?

becuase they once lived on mars before and had a happy life and it was just like earth

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How many consecutive heartbeats must fail before convergence occurs?

5 heartbeats before convergence occurs

What is the role of the thalamus in hearing vision taste and smell?

It is the part of the brain whose function includes relaying sensation, special sense and motor signals to the cerebral cortex, along with the regulation of consciousness, sleep and alertness.It acts as a kind of railway signal box. As information comes in through the senses, it goes directly to the thalamus and it sends the signals off to different parts of the railway yard (brain). It will send the signal to the cortex, or rational part of the brain and to the limbic or emotional brain at the same time. Although the limbic system will react to the stimulus a lightning split second quicker than the cortex, often sending people into flight or fight when it's not really appropriate in the present circumstances.--1. Thalamus acts as a relay station for both afferent and efferent fibres of the cerebral cortex. ]2. Along with the hypothalamus, it helps in sleep and wakefullness.3. Along with the cerebellum & basal ganglia, it helps in maintaining body posture.The thalamus is a by-station from the sensory organs to the cerebral cortex sensory regions. It has a somatosensory mapping of the body and has known integrative functions.There is also a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. It is the "leader" of the endocrine system. It controls what and where the hormones do and go and when they go at a certain time---One of the functions of the thalamus is to relay sensory information by transmitting axons to other regions of the cerebral cortex. Such as: the sense of touch is relayed to the parietal lobe, the sense the sight is relayed to the occiptal lobe, the sense of hearing is relayed to the temporal lobe, and the sense of balance is relayed to the cerebellum. The thalamus does NOT relay the sense of smell to the temporal lobes though.---The thalamus is the gateway to the brain that is responsible or receiving almost all incoming sensory information before the information reaches the cortex. Axons from every sensory system, except for olfaction, synapse in the thalamus as a last pit stop before the information reaches the cerebral cortex.The functions of the thalamus include relaying sensory and motor signals to and from the cerebral cortex, regulating consciousness, sleep, and alertness.The thalamus is a by-station from the sensory organs to the cerebral cortex sensory regions. It has a somatosensory mapping of the body and has known integrative functions.There is also a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. It is the "leader" of the endocrine system. It controls what and where the hormones do and go and when they go at a certain time receives messages from all of the sensory receptors throughout the body and then relays the info to the proper region of the cerebrum for further processing.A small glandular organ that is situated behind the top of the breastbone, consisting mainly of lymphatic tissue and serving as the site of T cell differentiation. The thymus increases gradually in size and activity until puberty, becoming vestigial thereafter.It relays information from different parts of the is part of your brain. it is the relay for sensory impulses. it shows what is pleasant and unpleasant.The thalamus is a major relay center. All incoming sensory information except smell goes through the thalamus, before reaching the cerebral cortex. (And even smell has a pathway connecting to the thalamus.) The actual processing of the sensory information starts here, this is especially true about vision. It also participates in the regulation of sleep, arousal and wakefulness, and plays a role in motor functions as well.

Is Cerebral Palsy a desise?

No, Cerebral Palsy is a developmental disorder caused by complications either before birth or just after birth.

What is thalamus about in your body?

The thalamus is a major relay center. All incoming sensory information except smell goes through the thalamus, before reaching the cerebral cortex. (And even smell has a pathway connecting to the thalamus.) The actual processing of the sensory information starts here, this is especially true about vision. It also participates in the regulation of sleep, arousal and wakefulness, and plays a role in motor functions as well.

What is the last brain region before the spinal cord?

cerebral cortex

Can you survive without a cerebral cortex?

Probably not, even be lost before birth.

Why is cerebral cortex also known as new brain?

Evolutionary biologists believe that reptiles existed before mammals, and that mammals evolved from reptiles. Reptiles do not have a cerebral cortex in their brains, but mammals do, therefore, in evolutionary terms, the cerebral cortex is new.

What is the name of a neurological disorder that is the result of brain damage before birth?

cerebral palsy

How is visual sensory memory different from auditory sensory memory?

visual sensory typically holds an image of your environment for about one -quarter to one- half second before it's replaced by anther overlapping "snapshot." the auditory sensory holds sound information a little longer, up to three or four seconds

What do sensory seizures consist of?

Sensory seizures begin with numbness or tingling in one area. The sensation may move along one side of the body or the back before subsiding.

Do sensory organs develop before than motor control?

don't tag in U.S. History

Is France divided into provinces states or regions?

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