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Q: Which of the conditions can make a man unable to produce children?
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Can you break your lease if your apartment is infested with scorpions?

Yes, if the landlord refuses or is unable to fix it. When conditions exist that make a unit uninhabitable, it is called constructive eviction. It is construed as eviction.

How is poverty a result to children on street?

Parents are unable to afford healthcare, and end up very ill, or even dead, and are unable to look after the children. The children, having no where else to go also end up on the street. Parents may be umable to afford to keep the children, and the children are forced to leave home at a young age and to go and try to fend for themselfs on street. In some cases children are sold to organistations which send children out onto the street begging and any money the children make will go back to the organisation.

Why are children not told about sex if it is a normal thing?

Children, especially if they pre teen are not told about sex because it may make them too curious so that they will try sex.Most pre teens are unable to make rational and learned decisions on life altering actions.

What are some brands that make children's lights?

Some brands that produce children's lights are Ro Sham Beaux, Jubilee Lighting, and Stray Dog Designs. These decor lines creates lamps and lightning for children.

Cyanide rotenone and dinitrophenol are often referred to as respiratory poison?

Because they disable the respiratory chain the in the mitochondria of your cells. In effect, they make your cells unable to use oxygen to produce energy.

What is The philosophy that justifies state intervention in the lives of children when their parents are unable or unwilling to protect them?

When parents don't provide or protect their children this is child abuse and the state has the duty to make sure the children are taken care of because they are unable to do so themselves. Since the early 1900's society has felt that the care of children is vital and important duty even though child abuse laws were not written until the 1960's.