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Q: Which of the dietary fatty acid has been found to raise blood cholesterol level by the least amount?
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What is thought to be the major promoter of fatty plaque buildup in the coronary arteries?

The major promoter of fatty plaque buildup in the coronary arteries is high cholesterol. High cholesterol can be treated with dietary changes or medication.

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What is the word for fatty substance found the blood?

Cholesterol or lipoproteins.

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Why the Omega-3 fatty acids are important?

They reduce cholesterol in the blood stream.

Diets high in trans-fatty acids are associated with?

High blood cholesterol levels

Diets high in trans fatty acids are associated with?

Increased blood cholesterol levels.

Does giving blood lower cholesterol?

No is the simple answer. Cholesterol is for the most part evenly distributed in the blood and therefore when donating blood you take cholesterol with the blood. Your body will have a lower MASS of cholesterol but the CONCENTRATION of cholesterol has not changed, which is what is important for you I presume. However, when giving blood they encourage no fatty meals or food 24 hours before to avoid high levels of fats and cholesterol in the blood, which means you shouldn't e giving blood if you have high cholesterol.

Which is the most effective way of raising blood cholesterol?

Increasing consumption of saturated fatty acids is the most effective way of raising blood cholesterol. Doing this is not recommended by doctors.

What are two circumstances that prevent unnecessary enlargement of blood clots?

high cholesterol? and fatty foods

What are some common causes of high cholesterol blood levels?

There are many contributing factors to high cholesterol. Some you can control include the consumption of fatty foods and the amount of exercise you do. There are also uncontrollable factors such as age, sex and any hereditary conditions.