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ka= 1.62 x 10^-12

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The Ka value that is the smallest represents the weakest acid. This is because a smaller Ka value indicates a weaker tendency for the acid to donate a proton in solution.

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Q: Which of the following Ka value represent the weakest acid?
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Which of the following Ka values represent the weakest acid?

The Ka value closest to 1 x 10^-7 represents the weakest acid, as this value corresponds to a neutral solution and indicates a weaker dissociation of the acid.

What Ka values represents the weakest acid?

Ka values closer to 10^-10 are considered to represent the weakest acids. These acids only partially dissociate in water, meaning they have a weaker tendency to donate protons. Examples of weak acids include acetic acid and formic acid.

Which is weakest base in organic and inorganic chemistry?

Weakest base is that which is strongest acid the latest research proves that strongest acid is a mixture HF.SbF5 Antimonic acid.

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The weakest type of poison would typically be one that has low toxicity and is not harmful in small doses. Examples could include household chemicals like soap or vinegar which, while not intended for ingestion, are relatively safe compared to more toxic substances.

Weakest pH of acid?

The weakest pH of an acid is generally around 1 to 2, which indicates a strong acidity level. Acids with a pH lower than 2 can be highly corrosive and dangerous.

What is indicated by a pH value?

pH indicates whether a substance is an acid an alkaline or neutral. pH ranges from 1 to 14, 1 is the strongest acid and 6 is the weakest, 7 is neutral, 8 is the weakest alkaline and 14 is the strongest alkaline. Bleach has a pH of about 12.5. Lemon juice has a pH of about 2.5.

What is the weakest acid?

Sodium Hydroxide pH is 13.0

Which acid is the weakest ethanoic sulfuric or hydrocloric?

Acetic acid is a weak acid. The other three are strong.

What is the highest pH ever recorded from acid rain and where?

The highest ever recording was 4.9 i think in EuropeAnswer:Normal rain has a pH of 5.5 to 4.5. Acid rain has pH of anything less than 4.5 and reaches its strongest (lowest pH) value at about a pH of 2.The highest pH for acid rain (the weakest acid rain) would be at the lower value of normal rain water.

Strongest acid HCl H2O HI H2S ranking weakest to strongest?

Weakest to strongest: H2O, HCl, H2S, HI. This ranking is based on the strength of the acids determined by their ability to donate protons. HI is the strongest acid in the list due to its highly polar bond between hydrogen and iodine, making it the easiest to dissociate and donate protons.

What is the pH scae?

The pH scale measures the acidity or basicity of a solution on a scale of 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are acidic, while those with a pH greater than 7 are basic. pH is a logarithmic scale, meaning a one-unit change represents a tenfold difference in hydrogen ion concentration.

Phorsphoric acid h3po4 undergoes three dissociation reactions. which of the three acids is the weakest?

Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) undergoes three dissociation reactions to form H2PO4-, HPO4^2-, and PO4^3-. Among these, the first dissociation reaction to form H2PO4- is the weakest because it involves losing only one proton.