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Dian Fossey, 1932-1985, wrote her book, "Gorillas in the Mist," to highlight her work to protect the Mountain Gorillas of Central Africa.

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Q: Which of the following animals did Dian Fossey spend her life protecting A chimpanzees of Central Africa B Mountain Gorillas of Central Africa C rescuing orphaned African plains' lion cubs?
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Which apes are endangered?

Western lowland gorillas,Mountain Gorillas,Eastern lowland gorrilas,Cross River Gorillas,Western Chimpanzees,Central Chimpanzees,Eastern Chimpanzees,Eastern Nigerian-west Cameroon chimpanzees.

What organism did Diane Fossey spend her life protecting?

Gorillas. Mountain gorillas, I believe.

Which type of animal did Diane fossey spend her life protecting?

Mountain Gorillas

Where did Diane fossey spend her life studying and protecting mountain gorillas?

In Africa .

What animals did American zoologist Dian Fossey spend her life protecting?

Dian Fossey spent and ultimately gave her life protecting mountain gorillas.

How many mountain gorillas were there in 1840?

In 1840 there were about 1000 mountain gorillas left.

What gorillas are endangered?

Mountain gorillas and the Western Gorillas are two types of endangerd gorillas.

What is the difference between mountain gorillas and River gorillas?

The differences between cross river gorillas and mountain gorillas are 1.Mountain gorilla live in mountains, cross river gorillas live in the lowlands. 2.Mountain gorillas are usually bigger and hairier. Those are the only differences i can think of right now.

In what country did Dian Fossey study mountain gorillas?

She studied mountain gorillas in Africa.

Why are mountain gorillas disppearing?

Mountain gorillas are disappearing mainly because of poaching and human encroachment.

What is the largest of the living primates?

Male mountain gorillas. the gigantopithecus blackii i think The gigantopithecus died off over 100,000 years ago. The Male mountain gorillas are the biggest i believe but that is not their scientific name.

Which animal did Diane Fossey spend her life protecting?

She spent about 18 years studying Gorillas in Rwanda. She did extensive work in trying to protect Gorillas and to The film "Gorillas in the Mist" was made about her. She wrote a book of the same name.