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The Earth's gravitation.

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Q: Which of the following forces exerted by the earth on the moon keeps the moon in orbit?
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What forces causes the synchronous rotation keeps the same side of the Moon facing the Earth?

Tidal forces cause the moon to be in a 1 to 1 resonance with the earth.

How is planet effected by gravity?

gravity is what keeps the earth in orbit around the sun the gravitational pull exerted by the sun causes the earth to remain at a relatively stable distancefrom the sun

Identify some effects of the gravitational force exerted by earth?

The Earth's gravity keeps the moon in orbit and also keeps the air in the atmosphere from leaving into space. Finally, it is what makes things fall down instead of just floating in midair.

Name the forces that keeps object attached to earth?

1. Gravity - it keeps objects from getting away from Earth into space. 2. Friction - in most places there's friction which keeps objects from sliding all over Earth.

Who keeps the moon in its orbit?

No one does. The gravitational forces between it and the Earth are responsible for maintaining the orbit.

Could you name the forces the earth to orbit the sun?

The force of gravity keeps the Earth (and all the other planets) orbiting the Sun.

What keeps the moon revolving around the earth and the earth revolving around the sun?

The mutual forces of gravitational attraction between each pair of bodies.

When the moon revolves around the earth in a circular orbit kept there by gravitational force exerted by the earth does gravity do positive work?

Well, I would say YES! It keeps the air on the earth so we can all breath, it keeps the earth from just going off into space away from our source of all our energy, the sun. It keeps us from just floating away into space. There are millions of things gravity does that is positive work. I can not even to begin to name them.

Which celestial bodies influences earth tides?

By their gravitational forces and; 3) by their electromagnetic radiation. The Sun affects the Earth by its gravity which keeps the Earth in its orbit, and as I discussed in the section under Moon-Tides, by raising tides in the rocky and watery components of the Earth.

What keeps the moon from pulling the water right out of earth's oceans?

The gravitational forces are only strong enough to cause tides.

What force orbits around the earth?

No force orbits around the Earth. Forces do not orbit. The force that keeps material objects in orbit around the Earth is the mutual force of gravity between the Earth and the object.

How does the moon move around earth?

It orbits around Earth because of the mutual gravitational forces between the Earth and the Moon, which attract them to each other.