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Plasma Cell initiate attacks against specific antigens. Plasma cells are B cells bearing specific antibodies for binding to a specific antigen.

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Q: Which of the following initiates an attack against a specific antigen or pathogen?
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How does Producing antibodies protect you against diseases?

antibodies are specific to a pathogen's antigen, it sticks the pathogen together with other pathogens, ruptures the organism or disables them. This stops you getting too many pathogens which give you diseases

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the plaintiff, that is the person filing the complaint against you.

The party who initiates a civil suit is referred to as the?

The party who initiates a civil suit is the plaintiff, this is the person who filed the complaint against you.

Are non- specific body defenses are innate while specific are adaptive?

Innate is a broad general response against any pathogen. It is very quick response but it is limited in how well it can defend your body. It is absolutely necessary to have a functioning innate immunity or your adaptive immunity will not be able to respond efficiently. Adaptive has a very specific response against a pathogen. On first exposure it may time several weeks to acquire the appropriate defenses, however, on secondary exposure it is a very quick response. It has long term memory so you are protected for a long time against that same pathogen.

What has to be true for the successful development of a vaccine to be used against a pathogen?

It is necessary that the surface antigens of the pathogen remain unchanged

What are the Advantage and disadvantage of innate immunity?

Advantage is that it gives a specific response. In a secondary exposure it responds so quickly you may not even feel sick. It is able to retain a long term memory against that specific pathogen as well. Disadvantage is that primary exposure it takes 1-2 weeks to start producing a response against a foreign pathogen. Also it is possible for your adaptive immunity to attack self cells, also called autoimmunity.

What are the three body's line of defense?

The body's three lines of defense against a pathogen (germ) are: 1. Anatomical and physiological barriers-Includes skin, hair, mucous membranes, saliva, tears, stomach acid, pH, temperature. 2. Non-specific response-Includes phagocytosis of pathogen, inflammation of tissues, vasodilation (increased blood flow to area), and swelling. 3. Specific response-antibody production and cell mediated immunity to particular pathogen. Maintained indefinitely.

What are the body's three defense lines?

The body's three lines of defense against a pathogen (germ) are: 1. Anatomical and physiological barriers-Includes skin, hair, mucous membranes, saliva, tears, stomach acid, pH, temperature. 2. Non-specific response-Includes phagocytosis of pathogen, inflammation of tissues, vasodilation (increased blood flow to area), and swelling. 3. Specific response-antibody production and cell mediated immunity to particular pathogen. Maintained indefinitely.

The use of a vaccine to stimulate the immune system to act against a specific pathogen is valuable in maintaining homeostasis because?

3.the body will be able to fight invasion by the same type of microbe in the future

What is the first line of defense of a pathogen?

The first line of defense against a pathogen would be barriers. Ex. The skin, Breathing Passages, and The Mouth and stomach.